51.430 refugees and migrants in Greece [table]

In 51.430 is the number of refugees that are so far in the territory, with the largest number hosted in northern Greece (28.573), in accordance with the Coordinating Body for the Management of the Refugee Crisis,…
The islands were recorded 5.023 people, with the bulk of it is in Lesvos (2.654), and by 07:30 there were 766 new arrivals.
In Attica reside 15.081 people (the more the port of Piraeus 5.815 and on the premises of the Greek 4.531). In Central Greece are located 2.753, of which 1.458 in Larissa, greece.
In the case of Northern Greece, in Eidomeni are located within the camp 11.324 people, while in three regions of Kilkis (Fallow – Polykastro – Plaza) hosted a total of 8.699 people.
According to yesterday’s official update, yesterday in Greece were 50.364 refugees and immigrants.

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