5 simple ways to tell an end to the fights with the kids

Give an end to the tensions and the fights with your kids by following five simple steps…
The fights, the yelling and the tension is very often phenomena in the homes where they grow small children. But, the only way to change the child’s behavior is to change ourselves. Adopt some simple habits, and give an end to in between your integrations, from now and for always.
1. Remind the child of the “duties” with absolute calm
Because children and toddlers have no sense of time, we often need to be reminded of their obligations – yes, even when you’re exhausted from work.
2. Give incentives
Explain to your child that, if it is “okay” on the obligations of the (goes to the time in bed or picks up his toys), then I’ll read an extra story or do something else with that like.
3. Compliment the
Praise and reward don’t they ever harm a child. On the contrary, enhance the self-esteem.
4. Let the child the right to have their own pace
To not be susceptible to stress and don’t have to suffer from our own stress, sometimes kids need time and at the same time the certainty that the parents understand, don’t reject them and support them. So, allow him to follow his own pace, but always controlled.
5. Respect the “moaning”
The kids need someone who is willing to listen to the daily “μικροπροβλήματά”, this does not mean that you need to become the number one problem for the family. The phrase “how are you doing so for such nonsense”, it might make the child feel even more useless and to confirm the weakness. While the finding “to disturb this situation, what could you do to change it?” expresses understanding and sympathy. The parent ally every child feels more powerful to cope with difficulties. After all, the things that us adults seem transient and unimportant, because we are aware of the time passing, the kids are the key issues of their lives. Much more than a good gift for the degrees of control, children need a parent who will listen for the “hateful” teacher or for girlfriend with which all are fighting.
With the collaboration of Alexandra Καππάτου, psychologist-child psychologist-author

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