4 ways in which parents put obstacles in the growth of children

Writes John Ξηντάρας, a Psychologist and Family Counselor
Many times parents wanting to do good to their children, behave in a way that achieve unfortunately the opposite effect. Usually, this mode relates to …
various exaggerated forms of education and not intentions as such. The intentions one can assume that it is a priori good. So the problem is in the exaggeration.
• Excessive anxiety: a Very common feature in the behavior of parents towards their children is the anxiety, the fear, especially if something happens to them. Don’t fall off, they don’t hurt, don’t scare, don’t fear, don’t worry… the list is endless!
• Excessive cleaning: Some parents prefer a clean clothes, clean hands and clean your knees, even if the price is mental sterilization. Let the kids get dirty! Let them try to play and let’s λασπωθούν, let’s get dirty and their clothes! The feeling of freedom for a small child is invaluable and irreplaceable.
• Excessive expectation: The expectation is a huge trap. It would say like salt. At a reasonable (small) amount of flavor the food, but the excessive use becomes a problem for the taste and for health as a whole. Have to be careful with our expectations (here the same applies for ourselves as adults!). We must learn to love our children for who they are and what they can and not for what we would like or about what it should be. Otherwise, suppress them, and the load of guilt that I don’t manage to please us.
• Too much importance about what people will say: We have our antennae strained to listen to the appreciation of others for us, with the result that we are moving away from our true self, that original we want ourselves, sacrificing our desires and our possibilities on the altar of public image. We adopt standards from the tv, magazines, than anything else out of us, pushing ourselves to be something other than who we are. And unfortunately, all too often get carried away by the logic of this and how we deal with our children: To be obedient, clean, good students, without any mistakes in behavior, in the picture, to the ways.
But, the children, that is a utopia! The kids need to stay kids, to grow up, covering the fields of childhood, through the spectrum of innocence, learn from your mistakes, to fall, to hit, to get dirty, to fight…
Let’s leave the kids to enjoy this unique period in their development, the amazing, the infamous, enviable childhood!