15 things every son needs from his father.

And what a child needs, who else knows better than his mother? The blogger Sarah Driscoll, gives us 15…
things that every son would like to ask his father
1. He loved his mother
Your son will learn to love as you love and to hate, as hate you. So take your pick. Loved with all your heart and show your love every day. The passage of time, when he will choose his own mate, and looking at her with love, you’ll know that you’ve played and you own your role.
2. Teach him how to drive
All the kids remember that first time you stepped on the gas and was next to their father.
3. Teach him to be selective
So with the food, and with the girls.
4. Go with him on the field
Or to play a game, or to the watch company.
5. Teach him to be brave
And brave are the boys who are loved by their dads. When it’s a kid hug him, kiss him. As he grows he may not want anymore hugs and kisses, but he wants always to know that you’re side of the
6. Talk to him about sex
Before you talk to twitchy for that.
7. Share with him your secrets
Please get in touch. Talk, talk with him about everything. And left him to talk to you about everything. For girls, friends, school. And listen to And share with him your dreams, your hopes, and that it’s bothering you.
8. Find out the ways
And reminded him that the world can be wonderful when it is full of kindness and smiles
9. Teach him when to he hesitated, and when to leave
And you don’t need to be handing out a kicking to find the right. Simply because some times you might not is right.
10. Teach him how to demand respect
And not always with words. Sometimes the silence is enough!
11. Teach him how to pick his battles
Some battles are worth giving. If you are going to fight for your team or your family accepted. But I never have to fight with someone out of jealousy, or personal narrow.
12. Let him win
Sometimes we need to feel that the great achievements are possible to happen
13. Find out the answers
He’ll always check it out. And if you don’t know the answer just pretend you know it and you give it to him when the find out.
14. He asked his mother
I take it from that answer that you don’t even have occurred to you. Asked that you’d like to ask you your own mother. For the girls, for the love for anything anyway. Ask and you’ll get the best answers.
15. Don’t you ever order, “do this”
The famous inventor Charles F. Kettering once said: every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice. Make sure it’s good!