15% increase in the participation of members of EOPYY, with the decision of the Ministry of Health

Alexander Γιατζίδη
Cheese in laboratory doctors, who are in turmoil and retention of labour, is the… department. No. C3c/home. 12146 decision of the Deputy Minister of Health, mr Paul Πολάκη, for a 15% increase in the participation of the insured with EOPYY.
Specifically, on the basis of the decision is deleted the sentence that said that the prices indicated in the third column in the annexes (E) and (F) of the nos. C3c/home. 2180/12.1.2016 (government GAZETTE 28 (B) a decision of the Minister of Health.
This has as a result instead received a doctor’s participation 13,04 Euro will collect 15,00 from the patient. The final average benefit for laboratory physicians is a matter of reaching the 100 Euro, at the end of the month.
But the damage remains to be huge as the prices of 1991 has been υποκοστολόγιση by the end of December 43% with the result that all the medical labs, diagnostic centers don’t make even their expenses.
Here it should be remembered that over 43% due to clawback and rebate the laboratory doctors are only paid their 7 months of the year from 2013 with a result to be subjected to another reduction of the order of 50 to 60%. End even are unpaid for months for 2015 and owe past due from 2008. Here it should be noted that in the current πετσοκομένες prices the PUBLIC pays κατακρατώντας a 10% as a guarantee of any errors of referrals (like the fault of the laboratory doctors about it) to return it when I finalise the liquidation. But clearance has never been done since 2011.
The above decision is valid since it’s already published in the government GAZETTE B’ 372/18-02-2016.
Of course, it remains to be integrated into the systems of IDIKA.