13 bizarre information for the human body

They say that an average person uses just 10% of his brain, while the remaining 90% remains almost unexplored. What else don’t we know about the human body?…
Read the following interesting data, as recorded on the website todayifoundout.com:
1. The human brain uses about 20% of the oxygen of the human body and the calories you employ this, even though it represents just 2% of the body mass of an adult.
2. Approximately 85% of people breathe mainly from one nostril at a time, and the “respiratory this pattern is noted in a circle each about four hours, with the transition from one nostril to the other through the swoilen tissue of the nose, which is similar to the erectile tissue of the penis or of the clitoris.
3. Human bones are very strong. A piece of human bone the size of a… matchbox, it can withstand about 9 tons of weight. This is about 4 times the weight which can bear a corresponding piece of cement.
4. Stools take their color from the bile that poured through the gall bladder in the intestines and metabolized thanks to the microbes that exist there. Without this the faeces show a grayish/white… something like bird poop!
5. It takes about 60 seconds for a cell of the blood to do a… round your body.
6. The man has a lot more than five senses. He may not have agreed exactly how many, but it is considered that it is at least 20.
7. A man produces 10 million sperm cells a day. If any one result in a baby, it would take just 2 days to “regenerate” the population of the world!
8. On average, the body of a woman produces about half a million eggs. However, just a few hundred of them can “make” a pregnant woman.
9. The human gut contains about 100 trillion bacteria, or about 10 times more than what is in the cells of the entire human body.
10. The kidneys filter an average of 1.3 liters of blood every minute, while an average person urinates about 1.5 litres of water a day.
11. Within 30 minutes the body produces enough heat to warm half a gallon of water.
12. The lungs have many capillaries (about 300 million), if the stretch in a line that reaches from Seattle to San Diego.
13. The higher IQ someone has, the greater the frequency of dreams during sleep.

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