Χρυσαυγίτες with the head of the Rabbit προπηλάκισαν director of school attending refugee children

Team χρυσαυγιτών headed by the congressman, John Rabbit…
προπηλάκισε and threatened the director and the teaching staff of the elementary school of New Ikonio-Perama, a school that has been selected for the training of προσφυγόπουλων.
The ministry of Education issued a communication condemning the fact:
“The ministry of Education, Research and church affairs condemns in the strongest possible terms the jeering and threats suffered by the principal and teachers in the Elementary School New Ikonio-Perama, and in the presence of students, by group Χρυσαυγιτών, headed by congressman John Hare. The school, has been selected for the training of προσφυγόπουλων, accepted the invasion, as he began the meeting of the Parents ‘ Association. The group of Χρυσαυγιτών broke into the school, without the required license, in an attempt to alter the educational space in the arena of political debate and conflict.
The Secretary-General of the ministry of Education John Παντής said: The current appearance of Χρυσαυγιτών, headed by the υπόδικο John Hare, will not thwart the operation of the school for the refugee children. The obligation of the State – arising from both the values, moral code and of the international conventions signed by our country – to provide education to all children of refugees, will be adhered to unwaveringly.
At the same time the ministry of Education, Research and church affairs has the obligation to safeguard the educational processes of interventions, extra-curricular, whoever they are, whatever purpose and if they seek. For this reason has not been given in any extracurricular permission to enter the schools. The phenomena of violence and racist actions have no place in the school.”

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