Δημοσκοπική breath for Merkel

The conservatives (CDU/CSU) under chancellor Άγγελα Merkel ahead of the social Democrats (SPD), in accordance with…
a poll which will be published tomorrow, presenting a picture that is inversely proportional compared to that presented in another poll published the day before yesterday, Sunday.
The poll of the Allensbach, which will be published in tomorrow’s edition of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, bring the conservative party of Merkel to gather 33% of intentions to vote and the SPD to follow with a 30,5%.
In the same survey the αντιμεταναστευτικό, anti-euro party Alternative for Germany (AfD) brings together 8.5% of voting intentions, while the party The Left (Die Linke) and the Greens 8%. The Free Democrats (FDP) in the investigation which will be published in tomorrow’s edition of the Φραγκφούρτερ Αλγκεμάινε act to collect 7% of intentions of vote, a percentage that is more than the 5% threshold needed to enter the federal lower House.
The investigation of the Άλενσμπαχ in a sample of 1.542 voters was conducted from the 1st until the 15th of February.