Βούτσης: The assessment will be closed

“The evaluation will be shut down”, stresses the president of the Greek Parliament Nikos Βούτσης, in an interview to “Real News”, and warns that “those who want to lead the country…
to asphyxiation in the summer, will be defeated, because the correlations are no longer in their favor” at the same time stresses, that “the government must use planning and legislative flaws of the programme and the opportunities it gives the path of the Greek economy”.
Mr. Βούτσης attacks the IMF and “a part of the policies that still persist in Europe the austerity of social exclusion and the denial of social rights” and he blames that, “pseudoscientific eagerly await for months a “balance of terror”, extruding them together, and the compromises in anti-social reforms in our country”. “The fact that they’re reopening for.x. constantly the question of the insurance and pensions is an extreme example of cynicism and lack of solidarity,” he points out and adds:
“This policy, which in many ways applies to other countries of the South, such as Portugal and Italy should be defeated because, beyond all others, can lead to dissolution of the EU, and in apparent support for right-wing forces and the policies of the national folding”, stresses the president of the Parliament. Obviously, there can be no country that can have a 3.5% surplus for ten years, when i.e. year it will underperform the corresponding index of the development, even if it will be in the 1% to 2%, or 3%”.
In response to a related question considers how “when it comes to the agreement in the House, as a politically defensible will vote for it” and stresses that “the government of SYRIZA – ANEL not asking for, nor blackmailing you vote in favour of the agreement by the opposition parties”.
You may be asked for if you need to open up dialogue for the cooperation of SYRIZA and the social-democracy in Greece, the president of the Parliament answered that “the parties of the so-called centre-Left in our country have accumulated a basic responsibility in their path”.
“You don’t have to αφιστάμεθα by the severe change and shift that is being attempted, in a contradictory way, it is true, in countries of the South, and Germany itself for manual removal association of social-democratic forces from the tight programmatic and neoliberal forces,” adds mr. Βούτσης.
And notes: “THE SYRIZA as the centrepiece of the government for two years, has a positive impact in the slow and contradictory shift. The forces of the radical Left and the progressive green parties have also been working with open horizons in this matter of alliances. This is the problem, this is the trend of things and we will all be judged by the way it will shape our relationship to this development”.