Αυγενάκης: “The Government abolished the institution of the “ship’s security” – it Accentuates the anguish of the citizens & leads to the destruction of their producers”

“Starts the 48ώρη strike of the Panhellenic Seamen’s Federation (PNO), which does not allow the carrying out of routes to and from the island region…
The strike, an inalienable right of the workers, is a disaster for the islanders, for producers, for farmers and ranchers, for all the people who live on islands and have daily anxiety, if there’s the slightest problem, if it will get the shipment of drugs, products, fuels, and a variety of other such issues.
After my initiative, the then Government of New york.D. had voted for the article. 25. 4256/2014 for “ship security” and planning service for emergency ferry transport, so as to serve to and from the island regions farmers, merchants, citizens, and transfer of emergency supplies and perishable products.
Unfortunately, the irresponsibility and the inability of the Government SYRIZA-ANEL made here its appearance. Abolished the “ship security”!
The Government has turned a blind eye and ignores that the citizens are facing problems in moving them, producers and traders have difficulty in transporting their products, perishable goods destroyed and the producers accept another blow from the Government, driven to despair and destruction.
We call directly the Minister responsible for Shipping, etc. Κουρουμπλή, to cease to be an observer in the events that unfold and to restore directly to the application of the provision for “ship security” and planning service for emergency ferry transport, so as to serve to and from the island regions farmers, merchants, citizens, and transfer of emergency supplies and perishable products”.

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