Απανθρακωμένος man was found in the Zoological Garden of Thessaloniki

In the area of the Zoo Thessaloniki was found a short time ago the charred body of a man in his 40s…
In accordance with information, this is a suicide attempt, as well as at the point of the incident, they saw him in the morning with a gas can two women cleaners. which like they said it seemed fine, I even drove by after first greeted with a smile.

The man arrived with his car in the area, parked in front of the old “Cedar hill” and then went into the forest in the area, and then set himself on fire. According to exclusive information of thousandnews.gr in the vehicle of the suicide was found a book that had the same as a type of diary in which she wrote various things that he was dealing with. As it was also known he was not from the area but from the Toumba of Thessaloniki, as well as earlier had passed by a petrol station which is located there and took the gas can with the gasoline.