Ανακοίνση party GREEK VISION with regard to postings of “elite”in the Office of mr. ΣΠΙΡΤΖΗ

On the occasion of a publication posted on social networking media… media with regard to the secondment of staff, Municipality of the D. Athens party Greek Vision makes a statement – a complaint which relates to the minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks of the government S. Tsipras ,mr Σπίρτζη, which perpetuates the illness of the customer a member , decided to man the office with the process of secondment of an official from the concerned Municipality.
The apparent similarity of the coalition SYRIZA – ANEL with the partisan practices of the past demonstrably led us to the economic crisis pushes us to ask mr. Σπίρτζη the following questions:
1) The above employee, what qualifications does he have?
2) What is the work experience?
3) it Is true that for years the particular employee στελέχωνε offices of
PASOK ( the same political space from which comes the mr Spirtzis) which was evolved as a worthy partner of SYRIZA’s?
4) The ability to provide services as specialists partners is a family trait of the employee, given that her son ( with zero επαγγελματικήπροϋπηρεσία) was appointed as a consultant in matters Of Hellenes abroad in the office of mr. Gabriel’s?