Κουρουμπλής: I don’t have to come at the end of the four years, the electoral law

Communication is a Two – Karamanlis, the electoral law and the civil partnership spoke to the minister of the Interior Panagiotis Κουρουμπλής, in the morning …
show Mega. “We opened the issue of the electoral law to have a dialogue and we have said that there is a need to move in a dialogue to arrive at an electoral system more fair,” said mr. Κουρουμπλής and added: “We are open to talk to everybody, to hear the society for the new electoral law, which must not come at the end of the four-year period”.
Mr. Κουρουμπλής criticised and in the SOUTHWEST, which. according to him, does not exercise the right opposition. “The γκεμπελισμός of the extreme right for farmers is unbearable. With this right there can be no convergence.
Asked about the communication is a Two – Karamanlis, the minister noted that “we don’t have an inferiority complex talking the prime minister with a former prime minister”.