Zoe Rigopoulou: The revelation about her mother, Kakia Analyst

She was hosted in “Stuntio 4” with Nancy Zabetoglou and Thanasis Anagnostopoulos and spoke about her parents, Kostas Rigopoulos and . “It has always been the family’s enzeni, it has never been the role of Mom,” said Zoe Rigopoulou for the memorable Kakia Analysi. ADVERSE “My life was the doctor’s, the whole baby thing. A little bit my mom, the baby’s grandmother… My grandmother raised my child. We went to the theater at night, everyone had their own quality time, 2-3 doors opened in the same apartment building, in and out of pots with food. I’ve been fine, now everyone can say it. I don’t know. I got married then. I’ve done everything by the law. I wasn’t alone in all this. He is an excellent man, we may have broken up but he was always next to me and the child. He was also a baby then,” Zoe Rigopoulou said. ‘Here it never happened ‘Mom’, do you want her to be ‘Grandmother’? She’s always been the family’s enzeni, she’s never been the role of mom,” Zoe Rigopoulou filled out for her mother in the role of grandmother.