You want to look thinner? Changed outfit

Did you eat a little more in the winter and the results have already started to appear in arms, in the belly and in the…
your feet? If you don’t have time or don’t want to follow some diet program, you can with the right outfit to the disappearances.
Slip the sleeveless t-shirts and these that leave one shoulder exposed. Wear a t-shirt and don’t forget, the longer the sleeve, the more flab hides.
Say no to baggy clothes because it will make you look even bigger.
When choosing jeans, make sure it’s snug and avoid those that buckle over the belly button or the ones that leave exposed in the middle.
A accessories, not to say, and more, can save the situation, as well as distracting.
And hairstyle plays a role! The more voluminous your hair is, the more small seem your buttocks. Take as an example the Shakira.