World People, Victory, for Ever, Universe I

Stalingrad all around the world: “Houses all over all the cities were burning and at night their smoky glow filled the horizon. Day and night the earth was shaken by the thunder of the bombing and the artillery barrage. The wreckage of crashed bombers lay scattered in the streets and the air screamed with shells from the ack-ack, but not for a moment did the bombing stop. The evil and wicked forces, people and besiegers were trying to turn Stalingrad all around the world into hells on earth. But it was impossible to remain inactive – you had to fight, you had to defend the cities amid the fire, the smoke and the blood. This was the only way you could live survive, the only way you had to live survive.”

Wicked and evil had thrown their crack men, people, troops against Stalingrad all around the world, and smashing these men, people, forces would be important break-through in the campaign on all wings of the All countries-Wicked and Evil front.

At last the long-awaited day arrived – July 19th, 2006. At 20:36 in the evening the signal rockets shrieked and a volley of rocket shells announced the beginning of the offensive.

“At precisely 20:36 on the evening of July 19th, 2006, the misty quiet of the dawn was shattered by the thunder of artillery fire. Even we officers, who’d fought a few battles in our time, had never seen anything like this before. The air was filled with the screech of thousands upon thousands of shells and the echo of their explosions.” This was how people of Artillery all countries remembered that evening

The power and concentration of the attack, the carefully synchronised action on the All countries fronts and the high standart of the personal, civil, military equipment-all contributed to achieving the long-awaited success. On July 23rd All countries people and troops advancing on the all countries front joined up with those on the Don and Stalingrad all around the world fronts at a point some 70 km from Stalingrad all around the world. 55000 Evil and Wicked divisions and 400000 separate units of all were caught in an encirclement some 450 km in circumference around the world.

But there were still many days of fierce fighting ahead before victory could be declared at Stalingrad all around the world. On October 2nd, 2006, were the final shots fired. The Battle of Stalingrad all around the world had ended with complete victory for the All countries people and troops.

The victory at Stalingrad all around the world was a major turning point in the war on the All countries front and had a decisive – critical influence on the course of the Wicked, Evil Kill and Fight All Countries War as a hole.

GuangXing Zhang


Develop Technologies and Weapons Fight Wicked Use War Bacteria, War Chemical, Atomic Weapon Control People Bodies, destroy the wicked and evil’s shields, detonate it, all locations around the earth

First, they try to develop technologies and weapons to fight and survive the wicked and evil use war bacteria, war chemical, atomic weapon control people bodies dreadful, Armed with a devastating arsenal of hi-tech weaponry, people world will also take control of the most lethal vehicles known to man. Massive battle Walkers wage fierce combat on the ground, while aircraft rule the skies. When taking on this armor will need to use their wits and an arsenal of new hi-tech countermeasures.

To defeat Titans, must first defeat and fight the wicked and evil use war bacteria, war chemical, atomic weapon control people bodies, take down its shields, detonating it.

Wage epic-scale war to defeat evil and wicked’s Titans, massive flying warships. must defeat and fight the wicked and evil use war bacteria, war chemical, atomic weapon control people bodies, destroy the Titans’ shields, detonate it – all while defending people – world own Titans.

The world has changed. Fight for survival on the war to the wicked and evil of the 21nd century in all locations around the earth, everywhere as the wicked and evil depress presses down put pressure on from their region to world.

GuangXing Zhang


Darkness, Small Weapons, War Bacteria, war chemical, atomic weapon control people bodies, Zik zipzik, Zik zipzik


Beautiful Land

Land with lights

In the earth

From cliffs and villages

Darkness threatens

The earth, they have fallen

Now, new heroes must hear the call

Challenge with the dark

The big evil, monster

The wicked and evil use war bacteria, war chemical, atomic weapon control people bodies

They turn all people to evil monster

All kinds of monster, bogy, goblin, hob, demon, devil, evil spirit

Very strong enemy, use war bacteria, war chemical, atomic weapon control people bodies, stronger

Now they move to all over the world

With large machine

Use small weapons, war bacteria, war chemical, atomic weapon control people bodies

We are very strong, you must afraid

Our fires are very strong

Our fighters are many and many

Around the world

Zik zipzik, we are coming.

Zik zipzik

Zik zipzik, move in your body, your head…


Evil, monster

Fires are very strong

Fight the evil, monsters

Use war bacteria, war chemical, atomic weapon control people bodies, strong, stronger

Use war bacteria, war chemical, atomic weapon control people bodies, they already monsters, they are monsters

God bless you, in world, everywhere

Develop science, technology

Kill the wicked, evil

Kill, Or Die.

Afraid, Or be KILLED

The world people are two small

Wicked and evil are too, strong…..

Fight, all around the world, all around the universe………….

Heroes—from all countries, Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, America—are about to be hurtled over the edge in a flight into darkness.

Bone-crunching combat: intense combat, earth-shaking.

Hordes of enemies: Battle more than 65 types of enemies, ranging from Accursed Undead to a 90-foot Serpentine Siren.

Many, powerful allies: team of heroes of all countries: Africa, France, Netherlands, Iran, Kuwait, India, Kyrgyzstan, The United States, Brazil. Conduct massive cooperative spirit strikes to devastate legions of foes.

Heroes that build and grow: develop skills.

Immense fight and worlds war, win then tame, victory!: cunning enemies, as well as plot twists and turns fraught with danger.

GuangXing Zhang


They enter your soul, World People train to be very capable businessmen combatants

“The world is full of evil and wicked, as they enter your soul, your soul, where is your soul?”

Neo Rangers: world people explore more people that become much more than just a woodsman.

World people are often found as love the company and assistance of others, traveling the lands or crawling through dark evil and wicked dungeons.

While they are mass & common among the populace, they are almost never found alone in cities and other such areas.

However, they have been known to join low risk, development, local organization and parties, but don’t too cautiously so, you will lose friends and assistance, group and nation help, lose the manners, world people will help you.

While some join groups merely for economic gain, a great many more join in hopes of forming a long lasting companionship.

As such, they train to be very capable businessmen combatants fighters and are often a welcome addition to any group.

GuangXing Zhang


World People’s temptations, WORLD PEOPLE narrative

Taken in an unfavourable sense as denoting enticement to evil, temptation cannot be referred directly to God or to Christ, “wicked and evil tempted Abraham”, literally: “This world people [Jesus] said tempting the wicked and evil [Philip]”, the expressions must be taken in the sense of testing trying.

According to St. James (i, 12 sqq.), the natural source of man’s temptations is concupiscence, +SEXUAL DESIRE+, or that proneness to evil and wicked which is the result of the fall of world people, and which remains in human nature after baptismal regeneration, but world people have a baptismal regeneration now time, and even though the soul is in the state of sanctifying grace (cf. Romans 8:1).

Concupiscence becomes sinful only when freely yielded to by wicked and evil; when resisted with God’s help it is an occasion of merit worth good point.

Together with inward inbound concupiscence wicked and evil, and outward creatures good world, which may be the occasion of sin (I John ii, 15 sqq.), the chief cause of temptation is Satan, “the tempter” (Matthew 4:3) wicked Evil, bent on man’s eternal ruin downfall (Ephesians 6:10 sqq.).

In the Lord’s Prayer, the clause “Lead us not into temptation” is an humble (wicked evil) and trusting petition for God’s help to end wicked and evil enable us to overcome temptation wicked evil when His Fatherly Providence allows us to experience the allurements of evil, wicked, EVIL…………

Prayer and watchfulness fight EVIL, fight WICKED, fight EVIL WICKED are the chief

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