WORKING AGCHOS: modern scourge as it repeals the steady work

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(Title) «Work-related stress is one of the greatest challenges to health and safety that we face in Europe, says European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, setting – as expected – the question from the perspective of employers’ concerns about one in four employees and, according to studies, up from 50% to 60% of all lost working days are related to job stress. This involves an enormous burden for both human health and economic performance. And as the EU agency, the “Stress affects the health and safety of individuals, but also the health of businesses and national economies. “Stress affects a significant business results,” concludes.

According to those estimates, the number of people suffering from ailments related to stress and caused or aggravated by work is expected to increase .

«Stress can cause illness and suffering both at work and at home, can also impair the safety in the workplace and contribute to the emergence of health problems related to work, as musculoskeletal disorders, says the European Agency. However, it causes the way the body defends employers’ interests, the fact that behind this serious occupational disease “sees” mainly the chasoura operators: Reducing the work-related stress is a major business incentive. In 2002 it was estimated that the annual economic cost of workplace stress in the EU-15 amounted to 20 billion euros ».
An impasse

tragic for workers and their families, effects of work stress employer pressure and confirmed by the more than 25 suicides and suicide attempts as many workers in the French telecommunications giant «France Telecom» («France Telekom) since early 2008 and within 18 months, and 11 were suicides only in in 2010 the factory of the multinational electronics company of «Foxconn» or else «Hon Hai Precision Industry».

The privatization of «France Telecom» (1997) and especially the last three years the company decides to “maintain the tooth and nail to its position in a highly competitive environment.” Since then begins the “Countdown” for thousands of workers who are now forced to work in medieval conditions: Endless hours a day, but over the weekend. Officials report that the company often does not even have time to go to the bathroom during a full eight hours and as often was the effect of the abolition of the planned breaks. Requests for permits are often not even examined by the administration. The constant mobility is the motto of the company. Officials, technicians, programmers, managers and even moving parts almost every month in a continuing restructuring program, which aims to address to maintain profitability. While freezing the wages due to … the economic crisis and the threat of dismissal is constantly over the heads of workers. Threat became a reality for hundreds of these last two years.

The company manufacturing high technology products, known as «Foxconn» or «Hon Hai Precision Industry», based in Taiwan, manufactures product range for companies like «Apple» (Mac mini, iPod, iPhone), working with «Intel», the «Dell», the «Hewlett-Packard», the «Sony», the «Nintendo», the «Microsoft», the «Motorola» Others The Chinese group, who have been cases of suicide, employs more than 400,000 employees. Complaints in circumstances galleons, at least 12 hours per day, with the connivance of state authorities, humiliating pay of around 1,000 yuan (104 million) a month, without exchanging a word, while there are “capsule».
Helen Miles

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