Women who are breast-feeding orphaned fawns

Sitting outside of the home, under the rays of the sun, and from a breast is breast-feeding her infant while from the other an orphaned fawn…
“Breast-feeding fawns, because for me it is like my children”… With these words a mother of the tribe Bishnoi from the Indian state of Rajasthan is trying to explain to the british newspaper Daily Mail the paradoxical, for the rest of the world, image.
This practice is not new. The inhabitants of the tribe, they love the nature here and 550 years, and they live in harmony caring for her. For them, the deer are sacred and love them and their children. Are members of the family and the mothers of the tribe can’t imagine something different…
“Take care of everything for you to live a healthy life. Keep them protected inside our homes to not kill dangerous animals, like wild dogs. If injured stay with us and watch as our kids,” said Roshini Bishnoi.
The neighbor of the Ram Jeevan Bishnoi added: “my parents didn’t discriminate between me and the fawn. We were a family and it’s part of our religion to protect them…”.
The tribe of the Bishnoi, who is very proud of the custom of this, numbering about 2,000 families-states.