With over 165 votes Tasoulas President of the Republic will be elected because Venizelos Giannitsi is out of the race proposing PASOK lost the first 490.000€ the Spartans and must return 80,000 €

The parliamentary procedure begins on 25 January. The vote will be resumed every five days. The first two require 200 votes, the 3rd 180, the 4th 151 and the 5th relative majority. It seems that Costas Tasoula will vote: The 156 members of the South West The independent MP (deleted by the ND) Marios Salmas. “I will vote for Tashoula, he is my friend” he answered a question from LIVENEWS. The Spartan independent MPs Haris Katsivardas (with enthusiasm states that he was the child of Averof as Tasoulas) George Aspiotis and Michael Gavgiotakis, who had voted for the budget and other laws of the government. The five Spartans MPs. President Vassilis Stigas told the parliament that Kostas Tasoulas “will raise several levels the Presidency of the Republic”, “will be a President, as is appropriate in Greece”. The 166th is likely to be the former Prime Minister Antonis Samaras who has been removed from the NW but with Tasoula they were spiritual children of Evangelos Averov. His office has not answered what it will do yet. The background Costa Tasoula’s name for the Presidency of the Republic has fallen to the table since last September when the first discussions about the person proposed by the ND began. He was informed himself but without a commitment from the Prime Minister. Several suggestions were made for almost all the names that saw the light of day. She was in and out of the list and the name of the current President Katerina Sakellaropoulou, who, however, had the risk of 10-20 ND MPs voting against the arrangement for same-sex couples not voting for her by striking the cohesion of KO. The investigations for Venizelos Maximu made his own secret polls as he used to for all critical issues. In the final line they entered Venizelos and Tasoulas. For some days the former PASOK president was the favourite, sources near the prime minister say. There would be no leaks in the South West and it would mark the center. The reasons that came out of the list were mostly three: There was a risk that the antisystemic audience would be fed, in the sense that ND and PASOK found them under the table (they showed it quality surveys). The ND base in its majority did not want “more PASOK”. The low flights of PASOK and the categorical refusal of Nikos Androulakis for bridges of understanding with Kyriakos Mitsotakis led the Prime Minister to a turn to his right where the ND has leaks because he does not feel threatened by the center. The result was that Tasula cut the thread. Party in K.O. The South West MPs enthusiastically accepted the Tashoula option. He just came down from the headquarters surrounded him to congratulate him. They were pulling selfies. Members of other parties who will not vote for him also rushed to him. He is beloved for his humor and excellent education. The six-year term The countdown for Mrs. Sakellaropoulou began from her presence at the party that took place after the arrangement for the marriage of same-sex couples was passed. 28.3% of the European elections were also attributed to this regulation. In the KO meeting on the assessment of the result, for the first time MPs warned the Prime Minister not to take their vote for the Presidency of the Republic for granted. It’ll depend on the face. He anointed the pill! The choice of a political person who does not come from the centre-left space itself, and the proposal Mitsotakis for a six-year term of office of the President of the Republic without the possibility of re-election, which will be submitted to the Constitutional Review by the ND, anointed the pill for Mrs. Sakellaropoulou. The Prime Minister could not on the one hand speak of a six-year term and on the other hand propose the current president for a second term, a total of 10 years. He knew! In secret of the prime minister who maintain friendly relations with the president, they allegedly prepared her for not being so likely to renew her term. State Minister Akesh Skertsos denies that he was one of them. It would not, however, be bad if this had happened as Mrs. Sakellaropoulou performed her duties perfectly and a sudden “emptying” would surprise her. The prime minister informed her of his final decision late Tuesday afternoon. Together they agreed to avoid awkward moments in front of the cameras at the meeting that had been announced for Fourth at 11.30 a.m. It was preferable to first announce the name of the new president proposed by the ND, to make a statement by the president and their meeting to be postponed for the next few days. “Locked” Nikitas Along with Kostas Tasoulas, “locked” and Nikitas Kaklamanis’ nomination for the position of Speaker of the House. NEWSIT sources say there was also a four-on-one Mitsotakis – Kallamani, from 11.55 to 12.30 yesterday Wednesday after the television message. The official announcement will be made in the next few days. Former Minister and Vice-President of the House Giannis Plakiotakis also claimed the position. It seems Kaklamanis will complete his parliamentary life with the highest office. His rich experience and sympathy and appreciation that his colleagues of all parties have for him, is estimated to highlight him to one of the most important presidents of the House. With Giannitsi After the proposal of the ND which does not respond to the request for a centre-left solution, PASOK today will announce the person who will symbolically propose for the President of the Republic although he knows he will not be able to be elected. According to newsIT it will be former Minister Tasos Giannitis . The Parliamentary Group will meet and Nikos Androulakis will make a statement. SYRIZA proposed Luca Katseli by even highlighting the Katseli law which he had not voted for. Probably the nomination of Katseli will also be voted by the New Left who first proposed the head of ADAE Christos Rammos without being supported by any other party. Mrs. Katseli won’t be elected either. Therefore, the progressive front does not exist since each party has its own strategy even on the subject of the PTD. Block Yesterday the parliament decided by an overwhelming majority of 267 MPs to suspend state funding to the Spartans until the involvement of Kasidaris was settled. An amendment was passed before Christmas, just before the interior ministry distributes the state grant to parties for 2024. The Spartans were to get around 490.000€. They will be asked back and the election allowances totalling €80,000 given to them for the European elections while the Supreme Court decided not to go down. How much did the parties get by the roadblock they had received 1.7 million euros. With the last installment of the state grant for 2024 parties received a total of 8,225,921, 22€: ND 3,263,823,75€ SYRIZA 1.560.381,23€ PASOK 1.110.909,56 KKE 800.167.4€ ENGLISH LIMITMENT 556.211,82€ NIKI 340.730,29€ Mera25 97.778,77€ Potami 48.888,89€ FREEDOM PLEASURE 398.539,51€