Window to new taxes – reliefs leave revenue from fighting tax evasion

“Climate” EUR 1.8 billion for new permanent reliefs to their burdens , leaves this year’s budget , due to the increased revenue generated by its management , according to The use of new tools, such as the POS-fund interface, myData and e-commerce proved decisive, cultivating expectations, which provide that combating tax evasion can create additional financial space for new income support measures, such as direct tax reductions. Any new interventions do not concern 2025, but the two years 2026-2027. However, the outline of the measures will be announced within the new year, based on fiscal data in the budget. The main condition is the continuation of revenue overruns, with clear and measurable results that the Commission should accept in September. According to the 2025 budget, additional revenues of EUR 3,754 billion are generated in relation to the targets set for 2024. The annual tax revenues are expected to reach EUR 66,713 billion and according to the budget this increase is mainly due to: The limitation of tax evasion combined with increased electronic transactions. VAT revenue was EUR 23.4 billion last year and on the basis of the macroeconomic model , taking into account the forecast of an increase in private consumption and inflation , an increase of EUR 1 billion was forecast for this year to be close to EUR 24.4 billion. Inflation is estimated for 2024 to 2.7% and the rate of increase in real private consumption to 1.7% (as against 2.6% and 1.3%, respectively, which were budget forecasts). This shows an increase of EUR 2 billion in VAT revenues with the additional EUR 1 billion attributed by the Ministry of Finance to the increase in electronic transactions and the interconnection of cash machines with POS. To the highest income tax revenues of legal persons. They are now estimated to be higher by EUR 1.1 billion than forecast, with EUR 300 million coming from the exceptional taxation of refineries and EUR 800 million from the extension of myDAta by zeroing the declared revenue and expenditure deviations in relation to the tariffs transmitted and the consequent increase in company compliance. To the highest income tax revenues of natural persons. The fund is paid EUR 1.03 billion more, without increasing tax charges but because of the increased withholding tax on wage increases. The increase in dependent labour wages in 2024 is now estimated at 5.2% versus 3.8%, which was forecast in the 2024 budget. Of the above amounts, the Ministry of Agriculture estimates that EUR 1.8 billion comes from measures to tackle tax evasion and is expected, without making concrete forecasts, to increase them further in 2025. The following year tax revenue is estimated to exceed EUR 69.2 billion, increased by EUR 2,490 billion compared with this year. This assumption is based on the growth of the economy, the increase in private consumption and inflation (2.1%) but does not calculate any additional revenue from anti-tax measures, which will also make a difference in order to pave the way for the new tax reductions (interventions in the income tax climate, ‘hairing’ documentation, complete abolition of the End Week, a new reduction in insurance contributions, etc.) According to the objectives set by the government, it looks forward to additional permanent revenues of 2.5 billion euros from fighting tax evasion by the end of the four-year period.