Wild against government – PASOK for Tempes: Inadequacies and half-words are accounted for by the inadequacies and inequity of the

“PASOK, unable to answer the clear questions raised by the Deputy Minister in spite of Prime Minister and Government Representative Paul Marinakis, issued a long announcement that the party of the “carabola” main opposition either has a weakness of understanding, or is conscious of the essence of matters,” government sources say. ADVERSE AND GO ON: ‘In lieu of other chatter, the PASOK representative shall answer the following key questions: 1) Why did PASOK, which pretends to be cut for the independent investigation of the circumstances of the Tembe tragedy, not vote in the House for the establishment of the National Organisation for the Investigation of Railway and Air Accidents and Transport Safety (EDASAAM) and in a second year voted against an article to further strengthen the Agency with additional staff? 2) Because PASOK rushed, with unprecedented speed, to adopt a report on an alleged request to shut down the railways for “safety reasons” by the former transitional president of the OSE Mr. G. Grammatidis, when Mr. Grammatidis himself replied that he never raised a safety issue but his proposal was made to complete projects on the network that was hit by Daniel faster? ADVERSE 3) How much longer will PASOK continue to be silent, after the throbbing collapse of its story on the supposedly “movage of Maximus”, after the EMP with its findings on sound found that there was not the slightest alteration of the talks that Justice had and had in its hands? By when will they be impersonating the disabled in PASOK, when last year they put forward a motion of censure on this matter, despite the fact that already a few weeks after the accident the talks had come out on all the information sites, including the ERT website, and now the EMF confirms that the judicial authorities had all the audios at their disposal without the slightest alteration? And they end up: “Instead of PASOK continuing to implement Tempe tragedy, finally let him answer questions without other hypocritical half-words”. Earlier PASOK’s spokesman, Costas Tsukalas in a statement and commenting on what the government representative put in the main opposition party stressed: “Today Mr. Marinakis “vacated” and the Deputy Minister of Digital Policy, Constantine Kyranakis, and a multitude of New Democracy officials who from yesterday argued that there was no “montaise” in sound from the Tempes accident. He admitted that PASOK’s motion of censure was about the falsified sound, which was channeled into a friendly means to manipulate public opinion rather than the sound, which had been delivered to the judicial authorities.” And go on: “The National Technical University’s finding dealt with complaints by experts and legal experts of the driver’s family that there was tampering with sound data from the OSE recording system, which were formally handed over to the judicial authorities for employee conversations at critical times. In no way did he deny that at the same time that the tears for the death of 57 of our fellow citizens had not yet dried up, an invisible centre orchestrated the disorientation of public opinion from the government’s responsibilities and was prolific with a falsified version of the stationmaster’s talks the theory of purely human error. Welcomeing the correction and “licence” of government officials. He also points out in his statement that the government is “registered because it staffed the National Aviation and Railway Accident Investigation Agency 6 months After the tragedy and its investigations instead of starting directly on the field of the accident, they started with a significant delay and with undermining procedures from the outset. Because in the early hours and days after the government’s tragedy priority was to leave the debris and debris … “a little further away”. And he concludes: “Faithful and unrepentant make their own deficiency and insubordination in a major issue of political direction of the country”.