Why this is a pipe dream, the inclusion of Scotland in the EU

It looks like the hugs and the kisses and other reality dictates. Scotland, despite the enthusiastic reception that happened…
Prime minister Nicola Sturgeon in Brussels, stating that he wants to remain in the EU, it is unlikely, to impossible to achieve the target, even if you resolve the many legal problems that there are,
-The “28” of the EU impose sanctions on Russia, because this, after the referendum in the Crimea and the independence of the Ukraine, annexed. You’ll now accept Scotland into the fold, if this ανεξαρτητοποιθεί.Britain because of the referendum?
-Mariano coal ash spill in Spain, nor to hear I don’t want the Scots who seek independence from great britain.Britain to stay in the EU. “Scotland does not have the ability to negotiate with the European Union. Spain is opposed to any negotiation with anyone outside of the government of the United Kingdom,” he said. Aware of the coal ash spill, that the independence of Scotland, it opens the appetite to “own”, Catalans and Basques.

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