Why should our diet has variety?

He Writes: Deacon Theodore
Many times we hear nutritionists, and specialists stress the need for variety in…
our diet. But why is this happening?
The variety is a necessary part of the diet, as it is the easiest way to be sure that you eat balanced. Not all foods are equally nutritious, and even some superfoods may not contain some of the nutrients that we need. For example, tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C and B-6, but we don’t provide protein or vitamin B-12. The chicken, however, contains ample amounts of protein and vitamin B-12, but no vitamin C. Therefore, by combining these two foods, the meal is balanced, and a similar plan should be followed and the rest of our diet.
The categories of foods that we need are the following:
Fruits and λαχανικάΔημητριακάΓαλακτοκομικά and sources ασβεστίουΚρέας and sources πρωτεΐνηςΛιπαρά and oils
Each of these categories contains necessary nutrients, and we need to combine appropriately in order to meet the requirements of our organization.
When you shop for fruits and vegetables, start to pay attention to the colors. The agents that give them that different colors contain valuable antioxidants. Something similar happens with wholegrain cereals. It is very good to have a few alternatives, so that there is variety in the breakfast. For example, the oats are super hearty, with a lot of fiber, while the quinoa contains a lot of protein. The rye and the barley is just as healthy cereal to add to your diet.
In terms of meat and protein sources, you should regularly eat fish with omega-3 fatty acids, but also to give a chance to the plant sources, such as legumes and nuts. The vegetable sources of protein, in fact, offer extra vitamins and fiber, making them excellent nutritional choices. For meat, choose chicken or turkey, as they contain significantly less fat than red meat.
But perhaps the most important role that plays the variety in our diet is that it balances the negative impact of the… not-so-good choices. None of us can be fed with 100% healthy and nutritious foods, and many times will do a number of improprieties, whether it be a sweet or something fried. By making the next meal healthy, in any way diminish the evil that can make us a bad choice. Of course, this is not an excuse to eat junk food, and then to think that with a healthy meal, we eliminate the extra calories and fat.
Remember, a balanced diet is hidden in variety, but in the careful, smart choices!