Why don’t you sleep in socks?

During the evening bedlinen may improve blood circulation, maintain body temperature and help you fall asleep faster. However, make sure you use a clean pair of socks to prevent bacteria from developing. CORVERSE It is worth noting that Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the bacterium developed in dirty socks, is also found in cockroaches and their excrement. Pseudomonas aeruginosa spreads easily, so those wearing socks that smell bad, could carry bacteria to their bed, significantly increasing the possibility of infection. In a study in Great Britain, researchers asked 1,017 participants to tell them their sleeping habits and discovered that 18% wear socks while sleeping. CORVERSE 70% of those who responded that they wear socks in their sleep, in fact, does not care to wear a clean pair before falling into bed. According to NewYorkPost, researchers found that in half of the socks worn by participants from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., there was the aeruginosa bacterium that causes infections. “It defiles the airway and urinary system and causes lung infection. It can easily spread to points that are contaminated and not cleaned properly,” researchers said. Some socks were even dirtier than remote controls, as these items are considered dirtier even than the toilet basin. At the same time, our feet have about 250,000 sweat glands which means that moisture can be accumulated in dirty socks, favoring the development of bacteria that can cause a common fungal infection, usually beginning between the toes and is widely known as the “sporter’s foot”. That is why experts recommend that we wash dirty socks at 60 degrees in order to effectively neutralize bacteria. To avoid, however, the possibility of infection, always make sure to change your socks before bedtime.