Why do we feel alone when we’re out with company?

There are periods in our lives when we experience feelings of loneliness, even when we are with company, in a café, and, generally, when the…
our social life is in bloom. What’s really going on?
How can we be surrounded by people that we want and at the same time, we feel an immense loneliness?
The symptoms that make us worry about are usually quite blatant and maintained for a long period of time.
So, for example, we feel the absolute isolation of the time that we are in a company. Other times “catch” ourselves to block any audible interaction (i.e., conversations, and discussions) is done in the company, even if it’s directed towards us, and thinking “what am I doing here right now?”, “maybe I’d better go home, I don’t want anything here”, “what are you saying? I can’t hear a word.”
What we blame so and we think and feel in this way?
The first thing you need to look at is the company that we choose. If, for example, does not cover us anymore the company of people who until yesterday was our best option for company and conversations.
Maybe we or they are in another level, interests, and our wants have become very different, our social needs are no longer differentiated from those of persons who, until yesterday call join us.
A test with different groups of friends and people of a different culture and mentality will give us the answer to this search.
Apart from the external changes, it is good to look into our inner world. What is it that prevents us to experience the camaraderie in the company, to feel part of the whole?
If we have to struggle with a personal problem, it is very reasonable to be wrapped up in this and our concerns. If this issue is absorbing our attention most of the day, it is perfectly reasonable for you to wallow in lonely thoughts even when we are with our company.
Therefore, the trends of isolation, even in the case that all around us there are a lot of lovely people, it’s inevitable.
We could add a third category, a combination of the two. Maybe a designation of “do you feel that you can’t fit in anywhere” could describe it. With this phrase described a situation of a person where the feelings of alienation and isolation he feels, starting from some personal difficulties you may be experiencing the specific period of time and feels trapped in them, and at the same time has the feeling that the company with which he mingles not filled and a lot more don’t help him to extricate himself from the morass in which it has occurred.