Nasal difficulty is called the difficulty of breathing from . The difficulty breathing from the nose may be due to a multitude of causes, with the most frequent of which being the scoliosis of the nasal diaphragm, accompanied by hypertrophy of the lower nasal niches. Patients who experience difficulties in their nasal respiration also experience a number of other symptoms that significantly affect their daily life. Some of these are: • Headache • snorkeling • sleep apnea • difficulty waking up • feeling chronic fatigue • Erectile dysfunction • More likely to develop hypertension or arrhythmia • Lack of concentration • Recurrent upper respiratory inflammation • Common tonsillits etc. New data on the management of nasal respiration “Modern technology came to eliminate the myth of difficulty in dealing with the diaphragm. With high-definition cameras through the nose, without external incisions and using radio frequencies, the hypertrophy of nasal niches is treated and the diaphragm is directed. The patient is taken to surgery for 30 minutes with general anesthesia and on the same night or the next day he returns home,” says Dr. Christos Gionis, Director of Metropolitan Hospital Clinic, and adds: “At the same time, recovery is simple, through the use of ointments and washings on a normal condition. After the surgery there is no swelling, bruising or pain and the patient can return to his daily activities in the next few days”, notes Dr.Gionis, stressing that the profit of the operation is multiple as it offers good breath, good sleep and generally good quality of life.
Why are you having trouble breathing through your nose?
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