Who were invited to Chuni’s closed farewell dinner at the embassy by “baboulas” and the truth about the collaborations the New Left votes Luca, third PASOK with Giannitsi

Today is sworn President of the United States Donald Trump, Joe Biden already left the White House and with him the entire American administration placed by Democrats as well as ambassadors. George Tsounis completed his term and said goodbye to the many friends he acquired in Greece. About 400 people were invited to the tavern “Nesiotissa” last Monday. Closed dinner But what was not known is that he also quoted a closed dinner at the ambassadoral residence on Thursday (16/1/25) for 40 people. Among them were Archbishop Jerome and Metropolitan New Ionia, Philadelphia, Heraklion and Chalcedon Gabriel, former Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, ministers Adonis Georgiades, Niki Kerameos, Takis Theodorikos, Takis Theodorikos, Tsounis’ close personal friend and former Minister of State Stavros Papastavrou, Anna Rokovyllou, the shipowners Prokopiou, Martinos, businessman Peristeris and others. The adjutant Maria Olson, who is the embassy’s number 2, will be acting ambassador until the arrival of the long-awaited Kimberly Gilfoyle, former companion of the Trump son. Kimberly must first pass the evaluation process from Congress. The beans! Nikos Androuliakis said it clearly: “The next government will be ND with some other parties or PASOK with some other parties, or PASOK or NW with self-reliance”. He repeated, in other words, that there is no way he would cooperate with the Southwest. To say the figs and boats, PASOK with the polling rate of 17% which even fell in relation to previous measurements, currently seems impossible to touch 38-38.5% of self-reliance. So if he comes out first party he will seek to rule with SYRIZA and with the New Left, whether they continue apart or unite. PASOK will indeed not go with “drachmists” because it would be like killing itself. What “babula”? The negative precedent is PASOK, SYRIZA and New Left failed to find them on a painless issue – a common candidate for the Presidency of the Republic. Will they find them on big issues? If this does not change, the “babula” of the dilemma “Michotakis or chaos” is not propaganda, but a weapon with political arguments that the ND will use in the next election, as it did in 2023. Sis As far as the South West is concerned, she’s a coward. It goes up from the percentage of the European elections but needs a way out of it. Therefore it could be found in the dilemma whether to discuss cooperation with Kyriakos Velopoulos or Venus Latinopoulou for example. But Mitsotakis would rather go home. Such a partnership would be suicidal for the small right-wing parties. The most likely scenario is that the ND will be the first party to go back to second or third elections. This is why it will make them in March 2027 , so that there will be a government when the country takes over the EU presidency for the second half (July – December 2027). As long as the progressive front is words of the air, the scales will lean in favor of the NW. The… sprint of the pie Around 10-15 events for cutting the New Year’s pie (party organisations, municipalities, all kinds of clubs) are attended by most MPs every weekend, with the first being by ND and PASOK. Not only do they go but they also pay the ticket to the event – whoever they have – they also buy lottery tickets to strengthen the organizers’ funds. This cost was discussed by MPs in the Parliament’s peristyle when Kostas Tasoulas appeared. “Don’t you do the vote for Saturday afternoon if we save 300-500 euros?” they hurt him. They didn’t convince him. The first vote will take place in the morning on 25 January. Two more will follow and will be elected President of the Republic on Wednesday 12 February with the 4th vote. Breakfast with EU Commissioner for Internal Affairs and Migration Magnus Brunner who visited Athens was attended by former Minister of Immigration, Notis Mitarakis, in Great Britain. He was invited by the Austrian Commissioner to listen to his own views. “Out we go well” commented Notis Mitarakis to MPs. He feels justified by the Tasula option because he was the first to say that the candidate president could also come from the centre-right party, then causing a storm of reactions. In second place SYRIZA Following the decision of the New Left Central Committee to vote for the candidate for the presidency of the Republic Luca Katseli, proposed by Syriza, PASOK with Taso Giannitsi is in third place. Luca Katseli takes the 26 votes of SYRIZA, the 11 of the New Left (unless Tsakalotos insists on “no”, but two independents, Giannis Sarakiotis (though she stated that she does not go to SYRIZA) and the Virtee Papaioannou who comes from the Free Freedom. That’s 39 votes so far. Tasos Giannitsis gets the 31 votes of PASOK and independent MPs Burhan (which had been removed from PASOK), and Peter Pappa (formerly SYRIZA). Total 33 votes so far. Applause They applauded Tasos Hadjivassiliou at the European People’s Party in Berlin. The news that it was being ministries had been released. Everyone knows him because he was the liaison with the South West and accompanied the Prime Minister on all his trips. Some have even commented that the Group of the European People’s Party creates European officials. Wishes from Loverdo Many executives and friends of Antonis Samaras went to his office to wish him for his roll-call celebration. From MPs were Miltos Chrysomallis who went first with the Mayor of Kalamata Thanasis Vasilopoulos and the Metropolitan Messinia Chrysostomos because they would depart immediately after Messinia and MPs Athanasios, Mantas, Karasmanis. About 60-70, he got a call. Costas Tasoulas sent him a basket of metsovic products. He called him to wish Andrew Loverdos. Karamanlis Speech With the look in the US, the Trump coming and the strategy to be followed by the EU and with clear references to Greek-Turkish and Cypriot, former Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis will speak today in the presentation of the book of Giannis Valiniakis “For a new strategy towards Turkey” (I. Sideris editions). Angel Syrigus and Michael Katrinis will also speak. She will be the host of Mega Ranja Jima’s main bulletin. Antonis Samaras will be present. The event is open. A month ago Costas Tasoulas resigned as Speaker of Parliament and MP a month ago. For the record Constantine Karamanlis resigned as Prime Minister and MP two days after his election as President of the Republic. He had voted for himself.