Where go the coins that you drop in the famous fountains to you?

The Trevi fountain is undoubtedly one of the most iconic monuments of Rome, making it over time a meeting point for the inhabitants of the “eternal city”.
The monument, which literally means “fountain at three roads”, draws water from the so-called “aqueduct of the virgin”, which was in use from 19 p.G., when the Αγρίπας moved the waters at this point.
The thousands of visitors to Rome do not miss the chance to throw a coin in the waters of the fountain, making a wish. In addition, according to the tradition, those who turn their backs to the monument and throw the coin in the water, over their left shoulder will have the opportunity to find themselves again in the “eternal city”.
Where they are going, however, the coins gathered in the bottom of the Trevi fountain in? According to the magazine Travel and Leisure, every day special teams assemble from memorial coins to a value of about two thousand dollars. On a weekly basis, the amount that reaches 15 thousand dollars, and every year it is estimated that a million dollars, or approximately 920 thousand euros in coins collected from the Trevi fountain.
As for where this is going the amount? The roman catholic charity Caritas, which is responsible for the cleaning of the monument, distributes the money to the needy. The same organization, in fact, opened a supermarket low-cost in 2008, in order to serve those who are most in need.
And while the Trevi fountain needs to be cleaned every day, due to the number of visitors that brings together other famous fountains are cleaned infrequently, with the money also to be given to charities.
The famous fountain of Bellagio in Las Vegas “collect” about 12 thousand dollars a year, which is given to the most deprived persons, while in the fountains of Disney World in Florida concentrated amount of 18 thousand dollars last year, which was given in foster care.