Where does the EFF – Mantonanakis compromise stick the battle for the ELTH fund, the Thomadakis re-emergence and the Stock Exchange the new Secretary General of Industry and the extension for contractors’ degrees

It’s not just the square. Constitution the EFF – Mantonanakis compromise Some of the people who have been involved in the last few months with the effort to reach a compromise between the Society of Real Estate (EDF) and the Pantelis Mantonakis group (it has won Arion Ice arbitration totalling over 700m euros) argue that the case was stuck in the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Kostis Hatzidakis, they say, is carefully studying the agreement at the same time that some of P. Mantonakis’ friends urge the Minister of Economy and Finance to notice where he will sign his signature! But the hotelier from Crete is said to have raised specific requirements for the concession agreement of the Grand Resort Lagonissi, which some government officials do not see with good eyes. At the same time the banks, which will receive from the public department the requirements they have for the Madonanakis Group loans, are looking for a way to appear as winners in a perennial dispute. It’s hard to square the circle! The battle for the fund of the ELTH More than 100m euros is located in the fund of the Port Authority of Thessaloniki (ALTH) which is currently at the heart of the control battle between the current key shareholder Ivan Savidis and the French family Louis Dreyfus. That is why some observers consider that Ivan Savidis’s side, even if it is already discussing with the Dreyfus, will, according to some information, definitely want “to put a hand” (in the good sense) in the OTH fund and will seek a return of capital or something similar, before agreeing or agreeing to a transfer. This week we will become wiser, not because Ivan Savvidis will appear, but because it is heard that Cyril Louis Dreyfuss will come to Athens, the man who seems to be moving the reins behind the public bid for the shares of the PPA. The re-emergence St.Thomadakis and the Stock Exchange Stavros Thomadakis served as president of the Capital Market Commission from March 1996 to April 2004. Man first-hand lived the entire history of the Greek stock market bubble and after leaving he avoided speaking publicly about that period. Now, on the occasion of the death of former Prime Minister Costas Simitis, he wrote an article in the subscription KReport. The article even concludes that “those who did not succumb to panic destruction and keep their shares benefited from a long flow of remarkable dividends that rewarded their patient investment”! Of course, Mr. Thomadakis had not heard of Lanarohartha or the number of contractors who collapsed during his tenure and the small shareholders still wait. No matter what the former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission writes, the authorities narrowed down at the time. And this is even paid today for the Greek stock market that Greeks are absent from! The new Secretary-General for Industry In the position of Vicky Loizou, who recently resigned from the General Industry Secretariat, George Larissa is placed. He has been married by Minister of Economy and Finance Kostis Hatzidakis and has been baptized by Minister of Development Takis Theodorikos. He is the head of T. Theodorikos in the southern suburbs and has passed through various cabinets of ministers and was also nominated mayor of New Smyrna. His column wishes good luck because industry, especially in our country, is a very difficult sport! The extension for contractors’ degrees Self-evident is the extension of the process of re-examination of employer degrees for 30 June included in the under-processed draft infrastructure ministry law. The draft law was discussed a few days ago in the cabinet and provides that the deadline for the completion of the process of re-examination of contract degrees is postponed from 3 February to 30 June. And it may not be a major disturbance at the top of the industry, since in the highest class (7th) there are five degrees that can be made six if the ECTER claims a higher degree (now in the 6th grade), but in the lower classes the re-examination will cause great havoc. And the technological system provided for by Presidential Decree 71 / 2019 during the term Christos Spirtzis is under way. In a recent event of the department of Central Macedonia of the Technical Chamber, Deputy Infrastructure Minister Nikos Tachiaos admitted that technical problems were encountered and many corrections were made, since the transition of the records in the General Secretariat was not so easy. Furthermore, as he noted, a group has been set up in the ministry to try to solve the problems that arise. A strategic programme for the Greek economy The new NSRF programme to strengthen the extroversion of businesses which is being published today is not another ‘out of waste’ programme. Kostis Hatzidakis, speaking to journalists last week, made sense to point out that the financial staff distinguishes the specific action between all the others. This is because, it is known that another productive model is needed for the Greek economy, which even takes the characteristics of one way, do or die, if the country does not want to return to the nightmare of twin deficits. Steps have been made. As of 2019 the country has increased its exports by over 50%. But the trade deficit rather than narrowing down is expanding, not only because of consumption but also because of the increasing introduction of investment figures. The latter shows that the Greek economy has not “changed” enough so that it can cover some basic, productive, needs alone, which will allow it to hope on a sustainable and long-term basis that it will avoid “false” in the future. And time is not plentiful. The historic opportunity of the Recovery Fund has two years to live, and a successor solution, from those who have occasionally fallen to the table, has not yet yielded results. How are we going from my Home 2 to my House 3?The massive crowd of requests of interest (1,000 every hour!) to my House 2, the platform for which it opened just five days ago, has opened the public debate about my House..3. Asked, last week, the Minister for Social Cohesion and Family, Sophia Zachrakis, replied that “we do not have any provision at least on the financial part at the moment. I hope that there will be a margin and that we can proceed accordingly.” The column is informed that the last possibility of “predictability” in the “financial piece”, i.e. regarding the Greek state budget, was exhausted for the year with the increase of 100 euros in uniforms through the work risk allowance to be paid from next July. From there on, in a recent position in the House, the Deputy Minister of Finance, Thanos Petralias, made clear on the basis of the possibilities of increasing budgetary expenditure in 2026, there is a sum of EUR 500 million which could “obviously” for tax reductions. So in 2026, one can hope very much for such a ‘financial forecast’. Generally other (national) money – it doesn’t – exist. Unless the government builds a national “coupling” for housing, raising resources that may remain untapped by other purposes or other revenue, as has begun to be discussed within the government. There are, however, real estate. Public. Which could be used to support the roof. However, there the problem is primarily ‘organizing’, says the source of the column to the financial staff. And that will take time to solve. At least a year. In common, good 2026. Some of the people who have been involved in the last few months with the effort to reach a compromise between the Society of Real Estate (EDF) and the Pantelis Mandonnakis group (it has won Arion Ice arbitration totalling over 700m euros) argue that the case was stuck in the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Kostis Hatzidakis, they say, is carefully studying the agreement at the same time that some of P. Mantonakis’ friends urge the Minister of Economy and Finance to notice where he will sign his signature! But the hotelier from Crete is said to have raised specific requirements for the concession agreement of the Grand Resort Lagonissi, which some government officials do not see with good eyes. At the same time the banks, which will receive from the public department the requirements they have for the Madonanakis Group loans, are looking for a way to appear as winners in a perennial dispute. It’s hard to square the circle! The battle for the fund of the ELTH More than 100m euros is located in the fund of the Port Authority of Thessaloniki (ALTH) which is currently at the heart of the control battle between the current key shareholder Ivan Savidis and the French family Louis Dreyfus. That is why some observers consider that Ivan Savidis’s side, even if it is already discussing with the Dreyfus, will, according to some information, definitely want “to put a hand” (in the good sense) in the OTH fund and will seek a return of capital or something similar, before agreeing or agreeing to a transfer. This week we will become wiser, not because Ivan Savvidis will appear, but because it is heard that Cyril Louis Dreyfuss will come to Athens, the man who seems to be moving the reins behind the public bid for the shares of the PPA. The re-emergence St.Thomadakis and the Stock Exchange Stavros Thomadakis served as president of the Capital Market Commission from March 1996 to April 2004. Man first-hand lived the entire history of the Greek stock market bubble and after leaving he avoided speaking publicly about that period. Now, on the occasion of the death of former Prime Minister Costas Simitis, he wrote an article in the subscription KReport. The article even concludes that “those who did not succumb to panic destruction and keep their shares benefited from a long flow of remarkable dividends that rewarded their patient investment”! Of course, Mr. Thomadakis had not heard of Lanarohartha or the number of contractors who collapsed during his tenure and the small shareholders still wait. No matter what the former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission writes, the authorities narrowed down at the time. And this is even paid today for the Greek stock market that Greeks are absent from! The new Secretary-General for Industry In the position of Vicky Loizou, who recently resigned from the General Industry Secretariat, George Larissa is placed. He has been married by Minister of Economy and Finance Kostis Hatzidakis and has been baptized by Minister of Development Takis Theodorikos. He is the head of T. Theodorikos in the southern suburbs and has passed through various cabinets of ministers and was also nominated mayor of New Smyrna. His column wishes good luck because industry, especially in our country, is a very difficult sport! The extension for contractors’ degrees Self-evident is the extension of the process of re-examination of employer degrees for 30 June included in the under-processed draft infrastructure ministry law. The draft law was discussed a few days ago in the cabinet and provides that the deadline for the completion of the process of re-examination of contract degrees is postponed from 3 February to 30 June. And it may not be a major disturbance at the top of the industry, since in the highest class (7th) there are five degrees that can be made six if the ECTER claims a higher degree (now in the 6th grade), but in the lower classes the re-examination will cause great havoc. And the technological system provided for by Presidential Decree 71 / 2019 during the term Christos Spirtzis is under way. In a recent event of the department of Central Macedonia of the Technical Chamber, Deputy Infrastructure Minister Nikos Tachiaos admitted that technical problems were encountered and many corrections were made, since the transition of the records in the General Secretariat was not so easy. Furthermore, as he noted, a group has been set up in the ministry to try to solve the problems that arise. A strategic programme for the Greek economy The new NSRF programme to strengthen the extroversion of businesses which is being published today is not another ‘out of waste’ programme. Kostis Hatzidakis, speaking to journalists last week, made sense to point out that the financial staff distinguishes the specific action between all the others. This is because, it is known that another productive model is needed for the Greek economy, which even takes the characteristics of one way, do or die, if the country does not want to return to the nightmare of twin deficits. Steps have been made. As of 2019 the country has increased its exports by over 50%. But the trade deficit rather than narrowing down is expanding, not only because of consumption but also because of the increasing introduction of investment figures. The latter shows that the Greek economy has not “changed” enough so that it can cover some basic, productive, needs alone, which will allow it to hope on a sustainable and long-term basis that it will avoid “false” in the future. And time is not plentiful. The historic opportunity of the Recovery Fund has two years to live, and a successor solution, from those who have occasionally fallen to the table, has not yet yielded results. How are we going from my Home 2 to my House 3?The massive crowd of requests of interest (1,000 every hour!) to my House 2, the platform for which it opened just five days ago, has opened the public debate about my House..3. Asked, last week, the Minister for Social Cohesion and Family, Sophia Zachrakis, replied that “we do not have any provision at least on the financial part at the moment. I hope that there will be a margin and that we can proceed accordingly.” The column is informed that the last possibility of “predictability” in the “financial piece”, i.e. regarding the Greek state budget, was exhausted for the year with the increase of 100 euros in uniforms through the work risk allowance to be paid from next July. From there on, in a recent position in the House, the Deputy Minister of Finance, Thanos Petralias, made clear on the basis of the possibilities of increasing budgetary expenditure in 2026, there is a sum of EUR 500 million which could “obviously” for tax reductions. So in 2026, one can hope very much for such a ‘financial forecast’. Generally other (national) money – it doesn’t exist. Unless the government builds a national “coupling” for housing, raising resources that may remain untapped by other purposes or other revenue, as has begun to be discussed within the government. There are, however, real estate. Public. Which could be used to support the roof. However, there the problem is primarily ‘organizing’, says the source of the column to the financial staff. And that will take time to solve. At least a year. In common, good 2026. Some of the people who have been involved in the last few months with the effort to reach a compromise between the Society of Real Estate (EDF) and the Pantelis Mandonnakis group (it has won Arion Ice arbitration totalling over 700m euros) argue that the case was stuck in the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Kostis Hatzidakis, they say, is carefully studying the agreement at the same time that some of P. Mantonakis’ friends urge the Minister of Economy and Finance to notice where he will sign his signature! But the hotelier from Crete is said to have raised specific requirements for the concession agreement of the Grand Resort Lagonissi, which some government officials do not see with good eyes. At the same time the banks, which will receive from the public department the requirements they have for the Madonanakis Group loans, are looking for a way to appear as winners in a perennial dispute. It’s hard to square the circle! The battle for the fund of the ELTH More than 100m euros is located in the fund of the Port Authority of Thessaloniki (ALTH) which is currently at the heart of the control battle between the current key shareholder Ivan Savidis and the French family Louis Dreyfus. That is why some observers consider that Ivan Savidis’s side, even if it is already discussing with the Dreyfus, will, according to some information, definitely want “to put a hand” (in the good sense) in the OTH fund and will seek a return of capital or something similar, before agreeing or agreeing to a transfer. This week we will become wiser, not because Ivan Savvidis will appear, but because it is heard that Cyril Louis Dreyfuss will come to Athens, the man who seems to be moving the reins behind the public bid for the shares of the PPA. The re-emergence St.Thomadakis and the Stock Exchange Stavros Thomadakis served as president of the Capital Market Commission from March 1996 to April 2004. Man first-hand lived the entire history of the Greek stock market bubble and after leaving he avoided speaking publicly about that period. Now, on the occasion of the death of former Prime Minister Costas Simitis, he wrote an article in the subscription KReport. The article even concludes that “those who did not succumb to panic destruction and keep their shares benefited from a long flow of remarkable dividends that rewarded their patient investment”! Of course, Mr. Thomadakis had not heard of Lanarohartha or the number of contractors who collapsed during his tenure and the small shareholders still wait. No matter what the former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission writes, the authorities narrowed down at the time. And this is even paid today for the Greek stock market that Greeks are absent from! The new Secretary-General for Industry In the position of Vicky Loizou, who recently resigned from the General Industry Secretariat, George Larissa is placed. He has been married by Minister of Economy and Finance Kostis Hatzidakis and has been baptized by Minister of Development Takis Theodorikos. He is the head of T. Theodorikos in the southern suburbs and has passed through various cabinets of ministers and was also nominated mayor of New Smyrna. His column wishes good luck because industry, especially in our country, is a very difficult sport! The extension for contractors’ degrees Self-evident is the extension of the process of re-examination of employer degrees for 30 June included in the under-processed draft infrastructure ministry law. The draft law was discussed a few days ago in the cabinet and provides that the deadline for the completion of the process of re-examination of contract degrees is postponed from 3 February to 30 June. And it may not be a major disturbance at the top of the industry, since in the highest class (7th) there are five degrees that can be made six if the ECTER claims a higher degree (now in the 6th grade), but in the lower classes the re-examination will cause great havoc. And the technological system provided for by Presidential Decree 71 / 2019 during the term Christos Spirtzis is under way. In a recent event of the department of Central Macedonia of the Technical Chamber, Deputy Infrastructure Minister Nikos Tachiaos admitted that technical problems were encountered and many corrections were made, since the transition of the records in the General Secretariat was not so easy. Furthermore, as he noted, a group has been set up in the ministry to try to solve the problems that arise. A strategic programme for the Greek economy The new NSRF programme to strengthen the extroversion of businesses which is being published today is not another ‘out of waste’ programme. Kostis Hatzidakis, speaking to journalists last week, made sense to point out that the financial staff distinguishes the specific action between all the others. This is because, it is known that another productive model is needed for the Greek economy, which even takes the characteristics of one way, do or die, if the country does not want to return to the nightmare of twin deficits. Steps have been made. As of 2019 the country has increased its exports by over 50%. But the trade deficit rather than narrowing down is expanding, not only because of consumption but also because of the increasing introduction of investment figures. The latter shows that the Greek economy has not “changed” enough so that it can cover some basic, productive, needs alone, which will allow it to hope on a sustainable and long-term basis that it will avoid “false” in the future. And time is not plentiful. The historic opportunity of the Recovery Fund has two years to live, and a successor solution, from those who have occasionally fallen to the table, has not yet yielded results. How are we going from my Home 2 to my House 3?The massive crowd of requests of interest (1,000 every hour!) to my House 2, the platform for which it opened just five days ago, has opened the public debate about my House..3. Asked, last week, the Minister for Social Cohesion and Family, Sophia Zachrakis, replied that “we do not have any provision at least on the financial part at the moment. I hope that there will be a margin and that we can proceed accordingly.” The column is informed that the last possibility of “predictability” in the “financial piece”, i.e. regarding the Greek state budget, was exhausted for the year with the increase of 100 euros in uniforms through the work risk allowance to be paid from next July. From there on, in a recent position in the House, the Deputy Minister of Finance, Thanos Petralias, made clear on the basis of the possibilities of increasing budgetary expenditure in 2026, there is a sum of EUR 500 million which could “obviously” for tax reductions. So in 2026, one can hope very much for such a ‘financial forecast’. Generally other (national) money – it doesn’t exist. Unless the government builds a national “coupling” for housing, raising resources that may remain untapped by other purposes or other revenue, as has begun to be discussed within the government. There are, however, real estate. Public. Which could be used to support the roof. However, there the problem is primarily ‘organizing’, says the source of the column to the financial staff. And that will take time to solve. At least a year. In common, good 2026.