What’s the new “trick” to deal with the insomnia?

Can you drink chamomile tea or warm milk before bed, but instead get lost in the arms of Morpheus, you end up looking at the ceiling and counting sheep…
The holistic health dr. Andrew Weil promises to “sleep” in the moment, with a method-trick, which is based on the mathematical sequence 4-7-8! What is this? This is a “trick” on the basis of the breaths that will drop the heart rate and relax your brain.
Dr Andrew Weil points out: “we Live in a fast pace and even in the evening when we fall asleep our body continues to be working on a full house. There is the root of all evil not letting us relax and sleep. The breathing is short and shallow, while to relax should be deep and full”.
According to this technique, so we need to get more oxygen to the lungs and to slow the heart rate. The proposal is: a) to breathe in through the nose oxygen for 4 seconds (b) then to hold your breath for 7 seconds, and (c) exhale slowly for 8 seconds.
The dr Weil argues that with this process (4-7-8), the body calms, the rates are falling, while the brain produces a range of relaxing chemical substances that help us sleep. In the USA this method is starting to become fashion, but scientifically still not proven whether it helps or not, but it wouldn’t hurt to try it, too! The very-much… get tired of breathing and to fall asleep from the… a stellar effort!