What will happen to your body if you eat every day, pistachio’s?

A just a handful of pistachios covers a significant proportion of the daily…
energy needs, good monounsaturated fatty acids, fiber, vitamins (particularly B complex), minerals and beneficial antioxidants. Particular reference, however, would be the right thing to do in the relationship that exists today between the consumption of peanuts and reduced risk of cardiovascular meanings.
This fact is due to the high content of:
1. Plant sterols Are the dry fruit with the highest content in plant sterols, substances that are proven to today, can contribute to the reduction of cholesterol.
2. Antioxidants Are a dry fruit with more antioxidants, which we know they protect us from aging and diseases such as cardiovascular.
3. Vitamin B6 Contain high amounts of this vitamin, which reduces the levels of the substance homocysteine, a substance associated with the occurrence of atherosclerotic plaques and atherosclerosis. 100 grams of peanuts covers about 70% of our daily needs in vitamin B6. Something that is not widely known, and more recent studies come to prove is that pistachios contain the ingredients lutein and zeaxanthin, which have a beneficial effect on our eyes. In particular, they have the capacity to absorb the radiation that daily accepts the eye, protecting in this way, our eyes from aging. And all this with just 170 calories per serving of approximately 30 grams