What she really wanted to say the Association with the phrase “it’s the application stupid”;

Clarification given today by the Φριντερίκε Von Τισενχάουζεν on the phrase used by mr Schaeuble during the debate yesterday…
with the Greek prime minister in Davos – “I can only reject the hypothesis that he called mr. Tsipras “silly”, said the representative of the German ministry of finance
“I was in no way an insult” to the prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, said the deputy spokesman of the German ministry of Finance, Φριντερίκε Von Τισενχάουζεν, referred to in the phrase “it’s the implementation, stupid!” (“It’s the application, stupid!”) used Wolfgang Schaeuble during the debate yesterday, in which I participated together with mr Tsipras in the context of the World Economic Forum in Davos.
Mr Schaeuble, stated the mr. Von Τισενχάουζεν, παρέφρασε the well-known phrase from the presidential election campaign of Bill Clinton in the USA in 1992, “it’s the economy, stupid!”, the inspiration which belongs to the head of the campaign of the James Carville – something that, as pointed out by the representative, has done in the past, in interviews.
“I can reassure you that it was in no way an insult,” said the same and explained that the phrase was used in order to make it clear that in Europe there is a great need to apply the agreements -and in the economic and in the political field. “I can only reject the hypothesis”, that he called mr. Tsipras “stupid,” repeated mrs. Von Τισενχάουζεν, and added that the same was in Davos, and has not formed such a view.