What motivation in a job can be better than money

The law of attraction says, among other things, that grateful come good things in your life. But when was the…
the last time that you thanked someone employee of the company, a partner or your boss?
Robert Emmons, professor of psychology and author of The Little Book of Gratitude: Creating a Life of Happiness and Wellbing by Giving Thanks, he notes that gratitude is absolutely vital in the work environment.
Improves work culture
“The lack of gratitude is an important factor that can lead to dissatisfaction at work, in the absence of and often in burnout”, points out the Emmons. “In many organizations the work culture is toxic and the symptoms of the exploitation, grievances, objections, gossip and negativity”. The expression of gratitude is the treatment against these symptoms, according to Emmons. Why? Explains it best in the following reasons.
Strengthens the groups
The gratitude helps in shaping, strengthening of relations and in the reciprocity. “It’s not just a response to a kindness received, but also an incentive for well-intentioned acts from the side of you,” says the author of the book.
Is a better motivator than money
Researchers at the London School of Economics concluded that economic incentives may come back to you when you want to mobilize the workers. An analysis of 51 different experiments, found that “incentives may reduce the natural inclination of an employee to complete a task or to derive pleasure from the to do it.’
The assessment is a much better incentive
According to a study at the University of Pennsylvania researchers found that appreciation is the best motivation. In order to reach this conclusion they separated the participants into two groups and asked them to make calls for the collection of donations to alumni. One group followed the traditional method of making phone calls while in the other was a speech in which they thanked for their efforts. The second group finally made twice as many phone calls.
How you do it
You have to be authentic. There is no limit to how you express it. The only sure thing is that the world thirsts for authentic acts of gratitude. We all want to hear a good reason, feel that they deserve, to show them recognition. It’s a human.
Let alone in a workplace. Thus, the work programs of recognition are such small expressions of gratitude. A simple thanks to acknowledge the effort of your colleague or to offer to help him is a little something that has much larger dimensions.
Even more important is the sincerity. There is no “agenda” behind the so-called su. Everyone knows that you’re a straight shooter. A leader that pleases in a purely cynical behavior or to get what he wants, it is unlikely to gain the trust of his colleagues. Gratitude, then, is the absolute substance, which will improve your performance in your work. And as a result will have to make your life better.