What is the impact of cartoons on children’s psychology

Since there are the moving patterns, everywhere kids stranded as enchanted in front of screens –which is not only…
sign of the times. Whether you belong to families that have been permanently open on the tv, or you are from those who have thrown in the trash and cover their needs via the internet, your kids (one way or the other), watching series and movies with a passion fanatic.
It would be absurd, authoritarian, and very phobic to προβαίναμε a universal ban, after the children –like all of us – have the inalienable right to… laziness and entertainment to their liking.
It is, however, necessary to have the oversight of the programs that follow, considering all the ways in which the cartoons have an impact on child psychology, nurturing behaviours, forming patterns and behaviors –in a positive or negative way, depending on the content of the cartoons that prefer or are allowed to see.
So, let’s take a look at the negative but also the positive way that it affected the psychology, the behavior and the daily life of the children of the cartoon (bass and “save” anything).
“I’m very strong –and I’ll beat you all”
The mechanism of matching stars in the field of child psychology, is often the reason why children are adopting the wrong standards. If their favorite star is gaining popularity and admiration because it is the strongest and the toughest of the bunch, fatal in their mind to form the notion that muscle power is the ticket to social acceptance and success.
And there was violence
The soul of the child is white paper, on which is written each stimulus, influence, and information they receive, affecting their future. Violent cartoons is a one –time proven – sure way to cultivate children’s violent habits. According to a survey carried out for the violent behavior of adolescents, such behaviors have their roots in watching violent programs. For example, the survey estimates that children spend 13,000 hours in school (from the moment they start until the “graduation”) and 18,000 hours watching tv.
The Princess doing housework or kissing frogs
Or he’s waiting for a knight to save her from the prison. Or a vigorous offspring of a good family to get her out of her misery. We don’t support that parents of girls need to be shut down hysterically at the tv every time a beautiful leading lady finds her prince. But, truth be told: the Cinderella spent half of her life scrubbing floors, while Mulan saved China.
Don’t waste time!
The most obvious (but not so much talked about) influence of the cartoon in the daily lives of children: the time they lose looking for the. And of course, we’re not talking about a couple of quarters to episodes of their favorite series, but for the endless “partying” in front of the screen. According to research by the University of Michigan, children aged 2 to 5 years looking at 32 hours of cartoon. The week. A reasonable question, therefore, arises: could not these 20-30 hours to become something vastly more constructive than that?
It is worth remembering that the brain of a three-year-old is two times more active than an adult brain. Isn’t it a shame to waste it?
If, however, chosen properly, are wonderful weapons in the battle of education
As much as I worried, as if we are afraid, we should face it: there are a lot of cartoons “out there” that really deserves to see the kids. Superman, for example, is honest and brave, constantly willing to fight for the rights of others. The characters in the movies “Toy Story” moving heaven and earth for their friends. The list of positive role models is probably greater than with the negative –you just have to look into it.
We searched and we gathered here some movies-hidden gems that every kid needs to see, here’s ten classic films you should definitely watch with the child, if you have not already seen it, and here is a list of films-shots (animation short) that are worth your time.