What is symbolized by the famous Barber’s Pole sign outside every barbershop

The symbol usually associated with barber shops or barber shops is its classic “barber pole” or column . This column has vertical stripes in red, white and blue color that revolve around the column. Barber Pole’s tradition dates back to the medieval period, when barbers also performed surgery and dental services, such as tooth removal. Red stripes represent blood, white tan bandage, while blue was probably added later and represents veins. Today, Barber Pole is simply a symbol recognised worldwide and connected to barber shops, no longer indicating “medical” services. The original Barber Pole has a bronze bullet at its top, symbolizing the vessel where they held the leeches (to do the bleeding) and the vessel where the patient’s blood fell. In the Middle Ages, “barbers” had various roles in society. Although the art of haircut was their basic activity, they often expanded their business to offer many more services. The barbers-surgeons and surgeons-doctors co-existed separately until 1540 AD when King Henry VIII joined them, through the establishment of the “Barber–Surgeons Company”. One of the most important roles of “Barbers” in the Middle Ages was the medical services they offered. They could remove lice from people’s heads or treat and shave beards and cut hair, even more complex, such as tooth exports, performing minor surgical interventions, and naturally bleeding. This was done by using a medical knife or a special tool called “barber’s pole”, which is now the identification mark for barber shops. In addition to medicine, barbers also offered cosmetic services, such as hair and mustache dyeing, skin care, and dental cleaning and maintenance services. In addition, the mark of “Barber Pole” is usually accompanied by the text “barber shop” or “barbershop” and may be located at the entrance of the store or on the shop sign. Barber shops have a long history and are traditionally considered part of male culture. In old times, barber shops maintained close relationships with their customers and was an important social space where men could discuss, read the newspapers and spend their time. Often, barber shops are decorated in a more special aesthetic, with wooden floors, decorated with classic furniture and objects that refer to the history of the art of haircut. Interest in barber shops has increased in the last decade, as there is a growing desire for traditional services and products. Many barber shops have even become travel destinations, while there are not a few who travel kilometres or even from other countries to visit a stylish barbershop.