What happens to the fetus during the sixth week of pregnancy

During the sixth week of pregnancy taking place and initiated many changes in the fetus, which has…
size just 10-13 mm.
Although the appearance of refers even to a tadpole, the sixth week of pregnancy is crucial for the fetus, as it begins to slowly acquires the characteristics of a human, but made significant changes for the basic functions of the body.
The neural tube starts to close in what will eventually become the spinal cord of the baby
Begin to form the facial features like the eyes, the nose, the chin, the cheeks and the chin
Start to form the inside of the ears and extremities
The kidneys, the liver and the lungs are developed
Formed in the pituitary gland, the trachea, the larynx and the bronchi
The heart, which has originally been developed as a single tube starts is divided into four chambers.
Formed in the diaphragm
Appear primitive stem cells responsible for the formation of male or female genital mutilation.

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