What do you say now! Home-capsule fit between 2 blocks of flats… [photo]

The idea of building houses which…
could be placed between huge buildings, occupying too little space, occupied for many months, the architectural office Centrala in Warsaw. The result?

Home “capsule” has recently made its appearance, proving that it is the best solution for saving space within the urban environment. It is made from a panel with plywood in a steel frame, while not required additional insulation in the “walls”, just because the sides of the house adjoin to the adjacent buildings.
Water, electric and sewer system work on the boat or in a caravan, while a ladder works with a remote control allowing the entry and exit of the residents.

The goal is for these structures to be used as semi-permanent accommodation in the city, for those who -singles mostly – spend a lot of time in their work, replacing a hotel room.
The reason? The space can be limited, but it strengthens the concept of “home”, creating the best possible conditions of living for those who choose it!