What are the most crazy phobias of the people?

Can we have doubts about a lot of things and situations, but no one, ever, can’t believe someone who says he’s not afraid of anything…
The fears, large and small, is part of our life, but they differ from person to person.
Else, you may be afraid of the dark, else the loneliness, someone is… a clown.
In accordance with the American National Institute of Mental Health, over 10 million adults in the US encounter some sort of phobia.
Some of them are very strange. Read below, the list of phobias published by protothema.gr, on the basis of the research of the Institute:
1. Φιστικοβουτυροφοβία (arachibutyrophobia: The fear that peanut butter will not stick to the palate
2. Γενιοφοβία (geniophobia: fear of chins
3. Γονατοφοβία (genuphobia): The phobia towards the knees
4. Αριθμοφοβία (hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia): The phobia of the number 666
5. Καραφλοφοβία (peladophobia): The phobia towards the bald
6. Φαλακροφοβία (phalacrophobia: The fear of the loss of hair
7. Καλλιγυνφοβία (caligynephobia: The fear in the face of beautiful women
8. Παιδοφοβία (pedophobia: The phobia towards small children
9. Κωλοβαθριστοφοβία (coulrophobia: fear of clowns – the One who made the Greek word, seeking a word to the ancients decided to use the colostomy (end) of the κωλοβαθριστή (one who walks on stilts)
10. Μεθυφοβία or ποτοφοβία (methyphobia/potophobia: fear of alcohol
11. Ετεροφοβία or σεξοφοβία (heterophobia/sexophobia): The phobia towards opposite sex
12. Γαμοφοβία (gamophobia): The phobia towards marriage
13. Ιθυφαλλοφοβία (ithyphallophobia: fear of seeing, thinking or anyone to get an erection. Ιθύφαλλος called the dummy of the male genital organ, which brought the devotees in the Great Dionysia.
14. Τερατοφοβία (teratophobia): The fear of birth of a child with a deformity, the fear of monsters or fear towards people with disfigurement
15. Λαχανοφοβία (lachanophobia: fear of vegetables
16. Φαντασματοφοβία (phasmophobia: fear of ghosts
17. Θανατοφοβία (thanatophobia): The fear that the same sufferer is already dead
18. Φοβοφοβία (phobophobia: The fear in the face of fears
19. Pantophobia (panophobia/pantophobia: The fear towards the everything
20. Γλωσσοδετοφοβία