What about the allowance for unhealthy work in the new payroll?

It remains, along with three other bonuses…
paid to civil servants, the allowance for dangerous and unhealthy work, in accordance with the provisions of the new remuneration system in the public sector.
In accordance with article 18 of the new wage grid, “the allowance for dangerous and unhealthy work referred to in paragraph 1 of article 15 of law. 4024/2015 is still paid the same amount to the beneficiaries designated by the ministerial decisions issued under the authority of these provisions, as well as those of article 67 of law. 4235/2014 without prejudice to the existing alignment of the relevant scheme with the relevant european legislation until 31/12/2017”.
“This allowance is payable for as long as the officials are in a normal license as well as short-term sick leave of up to six (6) days per year,” concludes the article in question.

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