Well-known singer “pin” Paula: “I heard Spiro Papadopoulos and didn’t tell me anything”

Topic of discussion has been done the last time Paula, on the one hand, with her appearance in the tv show Spyros Papadopoulos and the other part with the statements for the…
Stelios Kazantzidis.
The singer had caused a plethora of reactions Christmas, when performed Hadjidakis and Gatsos in the emission of Alpha, while a few days ago said in the Real that “no, woody guthrie, who is the biggest voice of all, she sang 40 songs about the pain and more so on immigration. It was not two or three for each theme? So, he asked for and wrote songs about them. So the advantage of this. Abused in pain, in cruelty, in injustice”.
Commenting on the statements of Paola, widow of Stelios Καζαντίδη, Vasso, said in the Espresso that “there is something to say. The world knows who my husband was and what he did”.
Angry, however, was the answer of Kate Gray, in the same journal: “no matter what they say can’t the new to reach our own songs. Paula I don’t know her personally and I haven’t heard how she sings it live in a store. But, I heard Spiro Papadopoulos and didn’t tell me anything”.