Okay, guys, it’s good to talk to you. If PASOK is to react to every communication trip of the government fearfully and apologically, then probably there in Harilau Trikoupi should be taken differently. Because what happened in the last 24 hours is really comical. As soon as Paul Marinakis accused them of working with the dramatists of Giannis Varoufakis, over ten Harilaou Trikoupis executives came out to apologize and talk about the autonomous course of PASOK, while spitting at their bosom and calling out “the devil”! Instead of going through the counterattack and reminding the government of what party Venus Latinopoulou comes from and many other far-right officials, instead of insisting on Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ right-wing choice for the position of the President of the Republic, instead of even attempting blows under the middle – because that is what the parties of power do – he fell into the louba set up by the government representative, accusing them of dracmists. So where they were going for wool, Harilau Trikoupi’s executives got cut. Instead of PASOK taking advantage of Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ move to propose that the former member of Kostas Tasoula’s party for President, he began to apologize for who he would work with if he won the election. With whom he wants is the answer but rather in Harilau Trikoupi they have fallen into the marmita of hypocrisy, micro-megalism and excessive institutional opposition. Only as far as I can remember – because I also lived the PASOK of Andreas Papandreou and Kostas Simitis – it is another kindness and another to drown in a spoonful of water. Don’t go through the counterattack because you don’t want to be accused of populism. Don’t want to argue with the ND because it may displease the centrist voters and you don’t want to fight so you don’t remind Syriza. However, if President Nikos Androuliakis does not want any of this, he should be informed that he is in danger of falling asleep with the institutional opposition. And he should remember that life does not give us much opportunity. And when he gives them, he favors the bold. Now that he is strong within his party, which no one doubts him, he can stand against Kyriakos Mitsotakis and insolently answer him the question of who he will cooperate with, that he will do what the ND will do when that time arrives.
We’ll fall asleep with the PASOK institutional opposition