Weather tomorrow: Rains and storms all over the country – snowing

Rains and storms will be tomorrow Tuesday, January 20th in most regions of the country according to its forecast. According to the IMI weather tomorrow Tuesday, January 20th will have transient clouds with local rains mainly in the west and eastern island country. SPoradic storms will occur from time to time in Ionian and western continental and evening hours on the islands of the eastern Aegean and Dodecanese. Early snowfalls will occur in the mountains of Epirus, Macedonia and Thessaly. Winds will blow in the western eastern southeast 3 to 5 Beauforts that will quickly turn to western northwests with the same intensity. To the east they will breathe north northwest 3 to 5 which will quickly turn to southern southwest with the same intensity. CORVERSE The temperature will drop slightly as to its maximum values mainly in the north where it will reach 09 to 11 degrees Celsius. In the rest of the mainland and the Ionian Sea will reach 15 to 17 and in their eastern island country 17 to 18 and locally in Dodecanese and Crete 19 degrees Celsius. During the morning and evening hours there will be frost on the north mainlands. ATTIC Weather: Transient clouds with the possibility of rain patients in the early morning hours. Winds: Variables 3 to 4 Beaufort. Temperature: From 07 to 15 degrees Celsius. THESSALONIC Weather: Transient clouds with local rains at intervals. Winds: Variables 3 to 4 Beaufort. Temperature: From 03 to 11 degrees Celsius. Macedonia, Thraki Weather: Transient clouds with local rains mainly in western and central Macedonia and a few snows in the mountains of Macedonia. Winds: Variables 3 to 4 and east in the morning east northeast to 5 Beaufort. Temperature: From 03 to 11 degrees Celsius. In western Macedonia 3 with 4 degrees lower. IONIUM ISLANDS, Epirus, West Sterea, West Peloponnesian Weather: Clouds with local rains, a few snows in the continental mountains and occasionally sporadic storms. Winds: East southeast 3 to 5 Beauforts will quickly turn to western northwests with the same intensity. Temperature: From 05 to 17 degrees Celsius. Inside Epirus 3 to 4 degrees lower. ANATOLIC STEREA, EEBOIA, EASTAL PELOPONES Weather: Transient clouds with a few local rains in the eastern Peloponnese. Winds: North northeast 3 to 4 Beauforts who will quickly turn to southern southwest with the same intensity and to the south to western local 5 Beauforts. Temperature: From 06 to 16 degrees Celsius. Cyclades, Crete Weather: Transient clouds with local rains and possibly isolated storms at intervals. Winds: Variables 3 to 4 and gradual west southwest to 5 Beaufort. Temperature: From 11 to 17 to 18 and in Crete locally to 19 degrees Celsius. AEGEAN ISLANDS – DODEKANA Weather: Transient clouds with local rains mainly since the afternoon. In the evening the rains will intensify and sporadic storms will manifest. Winds: Variables 3 to 4 and morning hours in the north northeast and south southeast to 5 Beauforts. During the evening hours, southern southwest winds of 3 to 4 Beauforts will prevail. From 13 to 19 degrees Celsius. To the north three to four degrees lower. THESSALIA Weather: Clouds with sporadic rains and a few snows in the mountains. Winds: Variables 3 to 4 Beauforts and Sporades from eastern addresses with the same intensity. Temperature: From 04 to 12 degrees Celsius.