Weather today: Temperature rise and local rains

Spring will remind Thursday (02/01/2025) according to its forecast with temperatures reaching 18 degrees. Specifically, the ERM bulletin says that the weather today Thursday (02/01/2025) will be generally atrium with a few clouds that gradually to the west, the south and the islands of the eastern Aegean will increase and transient rains will occur mainly to the west. CORVERSE Visibility in the morning and evening hours will be locally limited and fogs will be formed. The winds will be variable 2 to 4 and in the Aegean will breathe southwest to 5 Beauforts. The temperature will not change significantly and will reach 14 degrees, in the remaining 15 to 17 areas and locally in Crete and the Dodecanese at 18 degrees Celsius. CORVERSE In the northwest continentals in the morning hours there will be frost on site. ATTIC Weather: General atrium with a few temporary clouds. Winds: Variables 2 to 3 and fast southwest to 4 Beauforts. Temperature: From 04 to 17 degrees Celsius. THESSALONIC Weather: General atrium. Winds: Variables 2 to 3 Beaufort. Temperature: From 03 to 13 degrees Celsius. Macedonia, Thraki Weather: General atrium with a few temporary clouds mainly to the east. Winds: Variables 2 to 4 and gradually to the east from mid-west to 5 Beauforts. From 01 to 13 to 14 degrees Celsius. In western Macedonia the minimum temperature will be 5 to 6 degrees lower. IONIUM ISLAND, UPEROS, WEST STEEL, WEST PELOPONES Weather: A few clouds that will quickly increase and from the pre-midday hours there will be transient rains. Winds: From southern addresses 2 to 4 Beaufort. Temperature: From 04 to 17 degrees Celsius. Inside Epirus from -05 (minus five) to 12 degrees Celsius. ENGLISH STEREA, EEBOIA, EAST PELOPONES Weather: General atrium with a few temporary clouds. Winds: Variables 2 to 4, gradual south-west and from mid-day hours to east to 5 Beaufort. Temperature: From 03 to 17 degrees Celsius. Kyklades, Crete Weather: Few clouds locally increased initially in Crete and gradually in the southern Cyclades. Winds: Variables 2 to 4, gradual south-west and from the evening hours in the northern Cyclades locally to 5 Beaufort. Temperature: From 10 to 17 and in southern Crete to 18 degrees Celsius. EAST AEGEAN ISLANDS – DODEKANA Weather: Generally atrium with a few temporary clouds that from noon will gradually increase when local rains may occur. Winds: From southern addresses 3 to 4 and from the midday hours on the islands of the eastern Aegean 4 to 5 Beaufort. Temperature: From 12 to 18 degrees Celsius and to the north 2 to 3 degrees lower. THESSALIA Weather: General atrium. Winds: Southern southwest 2 to 4 Beauforts. From 02 to 14 degrees Celsius.