Weather today: Local rains with heat and fog – Detailed forecast

Rainy will be today Wednesday, December 6 in most areas of the country. It will rise slightly and reach 19 degrees Celsius. Weather today according to the forecast of the National Weather Service (EMY): In the islands of the eastern Aegean, Dodecanese, Cyclades and Crete clouds with local rains and early mornings in the Dodecanese individual storms with gradual improvement. In the rest of the country a few clouds occasionally increased with local rains and isolated storms in the continentals in the mid and afternoon hours. A few snows will fall mostly in the northern mountains. Locally limited visibility to the west and north in the morning hours. The winds will blow from northern addresses 3 to 5, in the Aegean local 6 Beaufort. The temperature will rise slightly. It will reach the north at 14 to 16 degrees and in the remaining regions at 17 to 19 degrees Celsius. Weather in Attica, Thessaloniki ATTIC Weather: Almost atrium. Premature clouds in the midday hours mainly in the north where local rains are likely to occur. Winds: Variables 3 to 4 Beaufort. Temperature: From 07 to 19 degrees Celsius. THESSALONIC Weather: A few cloudy intervals increased with local rains from late afternoon. Winds: Variables 2 to 4 Beaufort. Temperature: From 08 to 16 degrees Celsius. The weather in the rest of Greece Macedonia, Thraki Weather: A few clouds which from the pre-midday hours will increase and local rains will occur. Winds: Variables 3 to 4 and to the east by noon northeast to 5 Beauforts. From 06 to 16 degrees Celsius. In western Macedonia it will be 3 to 4 degrees lower. IONIUM ISLANDS, UPEROS, WEST STERE, WEST PELOPONES Weather: A few cloudy periods increased with local rains mainly in the mid-day hours when isolated storms will occur. Winds: Variables 3 to 4 and in the Ionian west northwest to 5 Beaufort. Temperature: From 05 to 18 degrees Celsius. Inside Epirus 3 to 5 degrees lower. ENGLISH STEREA, EEBOIA, EAST PELOPONNIS Weather: A few clouds temporarily increased in the mid and afternoon hours when local rains will occur. Winds: From western addresses 3 to 5 Beaufort. Temperature: From 06 to 20 degrees Celsius. CYCLADES, CRETE Weather: Few clouds temporarily increased with the possibility of local rain patients. Winds: West northwest 4 to 6 Beaufort and at night to the west west southwest with the same intensity. Temperature: From 10 to 18 degrees Celsius. AEGEAN EAST ISLANDS – DODEKANAS Weather: Clouds with local rains and early morning hours in the Dodecanese individual storms. Gradually improved from noon. From northern addresses 3 to 5 and to southern local 6 Beaufort. Temperature: From 09 to 19 degrees Celsius. THESSALIA Weather: A few clouds temporarily increased in the mid and afternoon hours when local rains and possibly isolated storms will occur. Winds: Variables 3 to 4 and to the east southeast to 5 Beaufort. Temperature: From 05 to 17 degrees Celsius.