Weather today: Clouds with temperatures up to 26 degrees and 7 Beauforts in the Aegean – Detailed forecast

Today Wednesday, October 30th will be good in most of the country. It will be kept at high levels for the time. The winds will reach seven Beauforts in the Aegean Sea. Weather today according to the forecast of the National Weather Service (EMY): In Macedonia, Thessaly, eastern Sterea, Evia, eastern and southern Peloponnese, as well as in Crete, a few clouding temporary locally increased with weak local rains. In the remaining areas generally atrium with local clouding on the continental mountainlands in the mid- and afternoon hours. The winds will blow from northern addresses, to the west 3 to 5, to the east 4 to 6 and to the Aegean local 7 Beaufort. The temperature will fall mainly to the east and north and reach western Macedonia between 18 and 19 degrees, to the west, the southern mainland, the Dodecanese and their southern Crete 25 to 26 degrees and to the rest of their country 21 to 23 degrees Celsius. Weather in Attica, Thessaloniki ATTIC Weather: A few premature clouds locally increased. Winds: North northeast 4 to 5 and east local 6 Beaufort. Temperature: From 13 to 25 degrees Celsius. THESSALONIC Weather: Few clouds transiently increased with local rains from midday hours. Winds: Variables 2 to 3 Beaufort. Temperature: From 07 to 21 degrees Celsius. The weather in the rest of Greece Macedonia, Thraki Weather: A few clouds temporary locally increased with weak local rains in Macedonia. Winds: Variables 2 to 3 and to the east northeast 4 to 5 Beauforts. From 06 to 23 degrees Celsius. In western Macedonia 3 with 4 degrees lower. IONION ISLANDS, Epirus, West Sterea, West Peloponnesian Weather: General Atrium. Local clouds in the continental mountains in the mid and afternoon hours with the possibility of rain patients. Winds: Variables 2 to 4, in Ionian from northern addresses 4 to 5 and in northern Ionian temporary to 6 Beaufort. Temperature: From 09 to 25 degrees Celsius. Inside Epirus 3 to 4 degrees lower. ANATOLIC STEREA, EEBOIA, ANATOLIKI PELOPONNIOS Weather: A few clouds on site increased with weak local rains after noon in the northernmost parts of the eastern mainland and at night in the southeastern Peloponnese and Evia. Winds: From north addresses 4 to 5 Beaufort and to east local 6 Beaufort. Temperature: From 13 to 25 and locally to the south 26 degrees Celsius. CYCLADES, CRETE Weather: Clouds locally increased with sick sporadic rains from noon in Crete. Winds: From northern addresses 6 to 7 Beaufort. Temperature: From 16 to 23 and locally in southern Crete to 25 to 26 degrees Celsius. EAST AEGEAN ISLANDS – DODEKANAS Weather: Rare clouds in places more dense. From the afternoon generally atrium. Winds: From northern addresses 5 to 6 and possibly local 7 Beaufort. Temperature: From 15 to 24 and locally in the Dodecanese to 26 degrees Celsius. THESSALIA Weather: Few clouds transiently increased from midday hours with local rains. Winds: East northeast 3 to 4 and in Sporades temporary to 5 Beaufort. Temperature: From 06 to 24 degrees Celsius.