Sunshine will prevail in most of the country today Sunday (19.01.2024) by “changing face” compared to last week’s snow, since it will rise to 19 degrees Celsius. According to the NMI weather forecast, sparse clouds will prevail from the afternoon and from the west. Visibility in the morning and night hours will be locally limited, while temperature will rise slightly in terms of maximum values. CORVERSE Specifically it will reach Macedonia and Thrace 11 to 14 degrees, in their remaining continentals 15 to 18 and locally on their west and south continentals 19 and in their island country 17 to 19 degrees Celsius. Winds will blow in the west east southeast 3 to 5 and in the morning in the Ionian local 6 Beaufort. To the east from north addresses 4 to 5 and to the Aegean local 6 Beaufort. In the morning hours there will be frost in the north. ADVERSE ATTIC Weather: General atrium. A few clouds from the night. Winds: From north addresses 4 to 5 and to east local 6 Beaufort. Temperature: From 05 to 18 degrees Celsius. THESSALONIC Weather: General atrium. A few clouds from late night. Winds: North northwest 3 to 4 Beauforts. Temperature: From -01 (minus one) to 14 degrees Celsius. Macedonia, Thraki Weather: General atrium. A few clouds from the night to the west. Winds: From northern addresses 3 to 4 and at night to east local 5 Beaufort. Temperature: From -02 (minus 2) to 15 degrees Celsius. In western Macedonia from -05 (minus 5) to 11 degrees Celsius. IONIUM ISLANDS, UPEROS, WEST STERE, WEST PELOPONES Weather: General atrium with local clouds in the northern Ionian Sea. A few clouds since this afternoon. Winds: East southeast 3 to 5 and in the morning in the Ionian local 6 Beaufort. Temperature: From 05 to 19 degrees Celsius. Inside Epirus from -02 (minus 2) to 15 degrees Celsius. ENGLISH STEREA, EEBOIA, EAST PELOPONNEOS Weather: A few local clouds in the morning hours and gradually atrium. A few clouds from the night. Winds: North northeast 4 to 6 Beauforts. From 02 to 18 degrees and to the north to 15 degrees Celsius CYCLADES, Crete Weather: General patio with local clouds in Crete. A few clouds from the night. Winds: From northern addresses 5 to 6 Beaufort. Temperature: From 11 to 17 degrees and in southern Crete to 19 degrees Celsius. EAST AEGEAN ISLANDS – DODEKANA Weather: General atrium. Winds: From northern addresses 4 to 6 Beaufort. Temperature: To the north from 07 to 15 degrees Celsius and to the south from 11 to 18 and locally in the Dodecanese to 19 degrees Celsius. THESSALIA Weather: General atrium. A few clouds from the night. Winds: Variables 3 to 4 and in Sporades north northwest with the same intensity. Temperature: From 00 (zero) to 14 points.
Weather today: At 19 degrees Celsius the temperature in Attica, Dodecanese and Crete
in Greece