It has been changing its scenery since tomorrow, as the chilly cold is retreating and the expected to increase gradually. Next weekend (30.11.24-01.12. 24) December is expected to do footwork with rainy weather, but with temperatures even 22 degrees Celsius in Athens. According to Giannis Kallianos’ prediction, from Friday onwards there is a possibility of rains mainly in the west and later Saturday the rains may be extended to other regions of the country. More detailed, as provided by Giannis Kallianos in his post: “The next days, from Tuesday 26/11 to Thursday 28/11, will flow without rainfall, while the temperature will rise gradually. By the end of the week it will reach levels of 20-22°C, with local and even a little higher prices in the eastern continental parts (Eastern Sterea, Evia, Eastern Peloponnese and Northern Crete). The winds will not cause any problems in maritime and air transport because by Wednesday they will breathe northwards 3-5 and local 6 Beaufort (in Dodecanese), while from Thursday they will turn to southlands, contributing to further warming, as I said. Long periods of sunshine will prevail, with chill of course in the early morning and evening hours in the lowlands and also freezing in the mountains. From Friday onwards, there is a possibility of rains mostly on the west and later on Saturday it appears that there is a possibility that they will expand to other parts of the country. However, the temperature will not change significantly during the possible rainfall next weekend. Indicative maximum temperatures in various cities of Greece for the next days : Athens : Tuesday : 16° C Wednesday : 19°C Thursday : 20°C Friday : 20°C Saturday : 21-22° C Thessaloniki : Tuesday : 14° C Wednesday : 18°C Thursday : 16°C Friday : 18°C Saturday : 19°C Patras : Tuesday : 16°C Wednesday : 18°C Thursday : 18°C Friday : 19°C Saturday : 20°C Heraklion : Tuesday : 16°C Wednesday : 20°C Thursday : 20°C Friday : 20°C Saturday : 22°C Larissa : Tuesday : 12°C Wednesday : 14°C C Thursday : 16°C Friday : 16°C Saturday : 18°C Nafplio : Tuesday : 18°C Wednesday : 20°C Thursday : 20°C Friday : 22°C Saturday : 23-24° C Finally, because I have been asked many times over the last few days, as I have repeatedly mentioned, the weather is chaotic in its forecast of more than 8-9 days. Our first approach to Christmas weather will take place on December 15th, again with great reservations. Here have at times been failures for the time of the next day, is it possible to predict a month later? Good week to everyone and everyone, with health!”.
Weather: Temperature rises from tomorrow – 22 degrees Celsius and rains over the weekend
in Greece