Weather: Strong north and cold in Santorini and Amorgos – rains and snow after Sunday

As he notes, February will not be warm, as was January and predicts very strong northwards until tomorrow (05/02/25) and regarding Santorini and Amorgos which are constantly shaken by earthquakes, Mr. Nikos Canderes predicts for the weather that it will not be rainy but will be cold mainly at night. CORVERSE In the long run the well-known meteorologist reports that: “In terms of weather development. From Wednesday to Saturday for snow no reason to do so, as the extensive Siberian anti-cyclone covering central northern and eastern Europe and its craters reach Greece. A barometric low that will be created in the central Mediterranean moving east and will necessarily pass under the craters of the anti-cyclone and in combination with it will give rains and snows after Sunday, which and how much it wants monitoring, but cold remains.” The whole post February won’t be warm, like January was. The last month was relatively hot for the season, since almost all the maximum temperatures were above normal values, because the recorded temperatures at the 850h level Pa was above the normal price for January. CORVERSE In Athens at 25 days the maximum temperatures were greater than the normal value of 13 points, which reached all 20 points, while the smaller peaks fell to 9 and 10 points in the 13-15 of the month three days, accompanied by several snows in the mountain and remarkable rains in the lowlands necessary for the enrichment of the aquifer. Also January was also a month wet with several fogs. February, after the spring weekend came the first barometric low to give rains and storms even in Attica. With its removal come the very strong northers to 8 Beauforts in the Aegean and the rains almost stop tomorrow. Especially in Santorini, Amorgos and the other islands of the wider area from Wednesday to Saturday there are no rains, no such problem, but strong northies and a few cold hours in the night. February CAN NOT become relatively warm, as the temperature that started falling will keep mercury at relatively low levels and below normal levels until at least February 16. It is impossible to overcome this no matter what the weather does by the end of the month. As far as weather is concerned. From Wednesday to Saturday for snow no reason to do so, as the extensive Siberian anti-cyclone covering central northern and eastern Europe and its craters reach Greece. A barometric low that will be created in the central Mediterranean moving east and will necessarily pass under the craters of the anti-cyclone and combined with it will give rain and snow after Sunday, which and how much it wants to be watched, but cold remains.