The weather may have to begin to improve in several regions of the country, but the insist on, Fokida and Eurytania. Strong snowfalls occurred from midnight onwards and for about 5 hours, resulting in a large part of the provincial network being closed in Domokos, West Fthiotida, Mountain Fokida and Eurytania. From the early morning hours the snow machines of the district have been constantly operating, in order to keep the road routes from Lamia to Domokos, Lamia to Karpenisi and Lamia to Amfissa open. CORVERSE Hundreds of tons of salt fell to keep the Lamia-Domokos road open, while new snow also fell in the wider area and the villages of Domokos, again closing the streets, which had opened a few hours ago. On Lamia-Amphissa street and especially after the 7th kilometer to Brallo there were serious problems by 3 in the morning. A recession of weather phenomena enabled machinery to open the way and keep it clean. On the Lamia-Karpenisi road, especially from the 47th km in the area of Agios Georgios and until the tunnel of Tymprestos, the weather conditions formed were unfavourable. In addition to snowfall, the temperature declined to -3 degrees Celsius, resulting in low-temperature and ice roads hiding traps. CORVERSE According to police, in Fthiotida traffic is done by chains, due to snowfall-freeze, at the following points: On the Lamia-Karpenisi National Road, from 47th km/h to 64.7th km/h. In the provincial streets: Lefkada-Gardidi, Sperchiada-Marmaron, N. Giannitsos- Pappas, Saint George- You old castle, Amphicleia- Parnassou Ski Centre (Fterolakka), Sperchiada- Kyriakohoriou, Sperchiada-Gardiki-Pugakion- Platanos, Lefkada-Pitsiou, Kastriou- Trilofos, Platystomos – Pappas and Agios Georgios-Neochorio-Maurilou. In Fokida the chains are necessary on the provincial roads: Gravias-Blacklithari, Gravia-Heptalofou, Polydrossou- Parnassos and Eptalofou Ski Centre Parnassos Ski Center. In Evia the traffic of cars has been discontinued due to an increase in water volume of the river Kerea, in the 1st km/h of the Provincial road Mandoudi – Kymasiou, a position “Portara” (Irish crossing). The traffic of vehicles to Kymasi Euboea, is carried out via Madudio. Car traffic has also been discontinued due to a fall of rocks on the road on the municipal road (second road network), connecting the villages of Lala and Kalyvia Karystos with the Old provincial road Karystos-Lepur (at the height of 4th km/h). In Boeotia, traffic interruptions are maintained, for trucks of more than 3.5 tonnes, from 30 km/h to 45 km/h of Elysina. Thebes in both traffic streams. Excluding road assistance vehicles, salt carriers and emergency vehicles. Also remains the traffic interruption, at the parallel of the Athens Lamia highway from the Oinis node to the junction with the Lev. Form-Delesium in both traffic streams, due to large accumulation of water, at the height of the old tolls (64th χ/θ). Traffic is normally conducted through the other parallel of the A.T.E. road axis. Using chains is the release on the Old National Road Elefsina- Thebes, from 30th km to 45th km and on the provincial road of Ascension-Cyriakiou and Kyriakiou; Saint Anne, Arachovas- Heptalofos, from 10 km to 15 km, and Arachovas; Heptalofou, from 15 km/h to Parnassos Ski Centre (Kelaria position). Closed schools should note that according to the decision of the Deputy Regional Commissioner Autumn today and tomorrow schools will be closed in the Domokos area, since weather conditions are extreme. The Lebanese primary school will be closed, as there has been a problem with heating. In the Municipality of Makrakomi today the schools will operate from 10 a.m. while the children’s stations will function normally at the beginning of the hour. Note that there is no way in the day’s progress of having changes, since it has thrown new snow, which has made traffic on the streets difficult and the means of transferring students to provincial schools, especially in the area of Hypatis and the area of Sperchiada and Makrakomi. In the Municipality of Distomo-Arachova- Antikyras, the attendance of students in all primary and secondary education schools as well as in the municipality’s kindergartens, will take place at 10:00 a.m.
Weather: Snow in Fthiotida, Fokida, Eurtania persists – Which schools will be closed
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