With a few local and small fall it will begin the time of the week, but in the next few days there will be improvement. In his post meteorologist Thoris Kolydas refers to the weather noting that the rains over the next few days will retreat. CORVERSE In detail the post of Theodore Kolydas “The week will start with local rains mainly in the west and the eastern Aegean on Monday and Tuesday as well as next Friday. No significant rains are foreseen until the end of the week. WEEK OF THE WEEK The week will begin with local rains mainly in the west and east Aegean on Monday and Tuesday as well as on the coming Friday. The rest of the areas do not have significant rains until the end of the week. The temperature… ADVERSION — Theodoros Kolydas (@KolydasT) The temperature will drop a little bit next weekend but it will rise later and range to normal or just above normal levels.”
Weather: Local rains and low temperature drop until Tuesday
in Greece